Arduino coding for potentiometers and midi


New Member
Hey all, certainly someone here has to have done something like this already... but I’m looking to code out an arduino uno with 6, 10 k potentiometers , for the arduino to read them and send midi data to the fractal, that would allow me to control some of those virtual potentiometers with the hardware I am building out... any guidance? Or has anyone written a code like that , they wouldn’t mind sharing ?
I guess the content of this thread is a bit over Jocarios' head.

My advice: Dive into this the way many Arduino hobbyists did (so did I). Find out, how the Arduino works, what the programming language is all about etc. I promise, it's not too hard to do what you want to achieve. But it's way more satisfying if you reach that goal by yourself rather than by someone who does the work for you. Especially because then you are capable of including new functionality, to fine-tune things etc.

I started off at the same point you seem to be at and managed to build a whole foot controller that widens the Ultra's capabilities. So do your research and just start doing it. If you have questions on the way you can of course always ask!
Hey all, certainly someone here has to have done something like this already... but I’m looking to code out an arduino uno with 6, 10 k potentiometers , for the arduino to read them and send midi data to the fractal, that would allow me to control some of those virtual potentiometers with the hardware I am building out... any guidance? Or has anyone written a code like that , they wouldn’t mind sharing ?
Hey there

Your goal is clear, using potmeters with an arduino uno to manage a fractal.
I really still have no clue how to help you in any way. Your question is clear to you, but very unclear to answer.
Basicly you are the only person who can solve your puzzle and get to your goal, but using the forum to help you out is exactly the purpose of a forum .

Just some tips to help you out...

How to get to your goal using the forum:
Starting a thread could be a first step, but visiting DIY tthreadsregarding your question and reading through them might give you some info who have been using an Arduino and "fractal". Asking a question there or at a specific user could be a better approach.

1) give some specific info about your arduino coding skills and your pprogress on your build.
2) a fractal? That is clearly not specific info ;) so if you need any guidance, be very precise in sharing info.
3) what hardware are you using besides the UNO in your build?
4) Why a UNO?
5) have you got MIDI communication working between the fractal and the UNO? My guess is yes.

How can I help you?
Lol, this could be a question too, but maby I can help you out. I have used a potentiometer with an Arduino Due and the AxeFXIII. I use the AxeControl Libriary and that made the coding much easier, but for my goal, the potmeter didn't do it for me.

My skills are limited, but what I know I will share and try to help.

As @unix-guy suggested, that thread is a great place to start your quest.

Really interested in your build and your plans on your build.

Can I ask a probably dumb question: Why do you want to build it yourself? I bet you can buy off the shelf midi controller boxes with knobs. I have a Peavey one with sliders, from long ago.

If it's for the fun of it, carry on.
Ditto if it's to do fancy stuff no commerical product can.
If it's to save money, you probably won't, and you'd be tradinga significant amount your time for the probably not big amount of money you would save.
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