Anyone using Solodallas IRs?

So I bought it the same day I saw your post.

Finally could get my FM3 home, I was really curious about the H30.
And it works really really great !

I didn't have much time, but it didn't take long to create a awesome raw tone for home playing.

quickie recorded here. just a 59slp with unidyne (the first one) and one room blended. no reverb just a neutral boost and a small mono delay before the cab for the lead part.

sound raw as I like and so fun to play!

I like the natural room sound you are getting with your IR mix. Are you exporting the 4 IR blend from Cablab and using a single (blended) IR on your FM3? Im wanting to learn about mixing IRs like this for my FM9. Thanks.
I like the natural room sound you are getting with your IR mix. Are you exporting the 4 IR blend from Cablab and using a single (blended) IR on your FM3? Im wanting to learn about mixing IRs like this for my FM9. Thanks.
No for this one it was just 2 irs in the fm3.

When I do that I just choose one mic ir I like. Just one. In this case it was not the unidyne (it’s the one I generally use from Solodallas) but a u47 if I remember well.
It’s my core tone.
then I just choose one room ir I like from the pack and mix it with the other ir.
As I just want to give some breath to the core tone I blended it about -10db. So it’s there but not too much.
Then I adjust the cuts, I don’t care at all about the numbers. I just adjust until it sounds great to my ears and fingers.

It’s for a quick tweaking.

If I want to go further, I choose irs one by one, make the cuts ir by ir.
Starting with direct mics then blend them into cablab and repeat the same step but with room ir.

I generally end with 2 irs :
mic(s) + room(s) Left
mic(s) + room(s) Right
That I can import into the fm3 and pan 100 l/r

It takes time, but what really takes time is finding irs you like.
I spent 2 years auditioning everyday irs folders, tweaking them, cutting them and spend a lot of money to find what works for me, my ears and my fingers.

I’m just happy I’ve found Solodallas. Makes my life easier.
And a rock plexi kind of guy and they are specialized in Marshall cabs.
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