Anyone using Solodallas IRs?



Is anyone here using Solodallas IRs?

They seems to sounds really great and « open ».

Really great tone here ( with an amp I know but fractal is the king of Marshall tone lol) even without all the processing.

But dont really come cheap and I’m a little bored of buying IRs I don’t use…

So anyone is using them?
Do you have some recordings with a fractal unit or some gig recordings ?

Thanxs !
I bought the 71 Checkerboard a couple days ago. I own a '74 with T1221's. I've yet to get the sound I want, but I like a low distortion amount out of a Plexi so it's harder to get it right, at least it is for me.
So finally bought the 69 G12M25 Basketweave.

Didn't have time to really try today but there's a lot of cool mics.

I just record a quickie (real quick) on some Acdc Back in black if found online.
I just took randomly 2 of theirs mixes (cause more is more lol) and put them in my fm3, spent 15 minutes dialing 2 tones, one is a JM45 and the other is a 59SLP. low cut at 80 and that's it (no high cut)

for a 15 minutes random trial I think this pack gonna be very useful.

edit for further reference never mention acdc on Soundcloud lol

Try youtube link

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I have used the Solodallas IRs several times and I can say that they truly have amazing sound. They really add an "openness" and naturalness to your tone.
And yeah, Fractal does an amazing job with the Marshall sound. When combined with Solodallas IRs, you get a tone that simply makes the guitar sound like a real studio instrument.
I made a mix of the first at4047 and the first 545 unydine and as you say it feels so real!
new mix with cablab of the 69 G12M25 with a plexi 1970 on my fm3.

Those irs are really killer. I will certainly see this post updated from time to time lol.

I've been struggling some much finding some irs that I really like :)

Some wide tones :
I have the G12-65 IRs from Solodallas. They didn't do much for me even though I love the speaker in real life. They're a lot of dough for only a few IRs. York or Ownhammer is a better way to spend your money IMO.
I am currently using the Solodallas G12M25 combo of SM57 position 1 (closest center) and position 14 (1 meter back) for my Marshally stuff. It sounds outstanding and competes with my other favorites. Although I would love to binge into buying more, they are way too pricey. I think they easily compare with top vendors.
I am currently using the Solodallas G12M25 combo of SM57 position 1 (closest center) and position 14 (1 meter back) for my Marshally stuff. It sounds outstanding and competes with my other favorites. Although I would love to binge into buying more, they are way too pricey. I think they easily compare with top vendors.
I’m currently touring with a mix and I incorporated a touch of the room irs and it’s stellar with the 2203. Sound awesome to foh.

There’s something more to my ears than others vendors. Maybe they are just made for my tastes.
I’m currently touring with a mix and I incorporated a touch of the room irs and it’s stellar with the 2203. Sound awesome to foh.

There’s something more to my ears than others vendors. Maybe they are just made for my tastes.
Straight up the 57's are more full sounding than most 57 impulses.
I have way too many presets for Marshalls but they are all great.
2204, 1987x, friedman be, atomica, jmp-od1
I cycle between the oh gnr75, gnr25, giocomo hrtg, solodallas, oh ORNG m25
I'll try the room thing that you mentioned.
Do you have the Checkerboard pack or just the '69?
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Straight up the 57's are more full sounding than most 57 impulses.
I have way too many presets for Marshalls but they are all great.
2204, 1987x, friedman be, atomica, jmp-od1
I cycle between the oh gnr75, gnr25, giocomo hrtg, solodallas, oh ORNG m25
I'll try the room thing that you mentioned.
Do you have the Checkerboard pack or just the '69?
I only bought the 69m25 basketweave.
For my mix I made two irs with 57 unidyne and one room mix blended at about -12 (if I remember well) and cut the lows at 200 cause I didn’t wanted to have too much unwanted lows for live.
One ir has the left room and the other the right room.
Then I import them in the fm3 and pan them hard left hard right.
It just gives the right amount of « breath »
I only bought the 69m25 basketweave.
For my mix I made two irs with 57 unidyne and one room mix blended at about -12 (if I remember well) and cut the lows at 200 cause I didn’t wanted to have too much unwanted lows for live.
One ir has the left room and the other the right room.
Then I import them in the fm3 and pan them hard left hard right.
It just gives the right amount of « breath »
Could you please share you detailed cab setting (screenshot) or better your preset? I would like to give it a second try.
Could you please share you detailed cab setting (screenshot) or better your preset? I would like to give it a second try.
Capture d’écran 2024-05-21 à 12.46.41.png
Here it is. the same mix is applied to the left Ir.

As you can see it's just a touch of room, just enough to give a touch of breathing to the tone. it's small but it makes a difference, devils is in the details.
I may tweak it and try reducing the a bit the low cut frequencies on the room irs just to test, maybe bring it back to 160 on the Octava.

remember it's tailored for my needs, kind of rock tone that can do everything. I use exclusively the 2203 High and Low .

and here's a pic of our foh system. Capture d’écran 2024-05-21 à 12.56.16.png
Ho thanks for the info! I think I’m gonna buy the bundle!
i did that myself. Some are winners, some usable, others not for me. The 65 cab U67 mics are my favorite. My biggest beef is the lack of a document. I can't understand the naming convention. The difference in the impulses is vast and it would help to know how they were recorded.
for example.

i did that myself. Some are winners, some usable, others not for me. The 65 cab U67 mics are my favorite. My biggest beef is the lack of a document. I can't understand the naming convention. The difference in the impulses is vast and it would help to know how they were recorded.
for example.

View attachment 141238
So I bought it the same day I saw your post.

Finally could get my FM3 home, I was really curious about the H30.
And it works really really great !

I didn't have much time, but it didn't take long to create a awesome raw tone for home playing.

quickie recorded here. just a 59slp with unidyne (the first one) and one room blended. no reverb just a neutral boost and a small mono delay before the cab for the lead part.

sound raw as I like and so fun to play!
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