Anyone know a good MBC RTAS mastering plugin?


Fractal Fanatic
I'm looking for a good multiband compressor plugin for Pro Tools. Anybody have one that they like and recommend?

I'm a high gain djent djent meedley meedely meedely type player...

Sent from my iPod.
My kick and bass guitar are modulating my master faders limiter. I was thinking that a MBC would eliminate this. I wish to compress the lows separately from the rest of the mix. Perhaps 100Hz and lower.

I'm a high gain djent djent meedley meedely meedely type player...

Sent from my iPod.
Sometimes I can be such an idiot!!! I already have a MBC. I have the Waves C4. I recent updated to V8.0 w/ my Gold bundle. I hadn't used them in almost 5 years. What a Bonehead!!!

I'm a high gain djent djent meedley meedely meedely type player...

Sent from my iPod.
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