Anyone gone from Hi speakers to Studio montiors ?


At the moment i'm playing my Axe through some surround sound hi fi speakers, and was thinking about buying some KRK RP5 monitors. Just wondered if anyone has been down the same road and did you think it was worth the expense. Was the much difference in sound quality, was there a Wow factor

Thank you
I'd like to know the same cos I'm using Hi-fi speakers...with great results I may add. Your using surround speakers? Nice! What do they sound like?
Yeah just using the sub and two speakers of a Altec Lansing surround sound system i got to play my xbox a few years ago. It sounds great, but i just wondered if it could sound better.

I got the chance to listen to some Iron Maiden through Some Yamaha hs50m monitors and they sounded fantastic and wanted to know if the Axe would sound better through some
I bought a pair of these behringer truth 3031a for $330. Going for the more power full $390 dollor version might be a good idea too. They seem to work and sound good. These are my first studio monitors so i cant compare them to anything else but the price was right and i wanted to try some ribbon tweeters.
I considered the KRKs when I was looking for monitors but in the end I went for a pair of Tannoy T5s. These are fine for playing music through but they don't wow me for amplifying the Axe. Now I'm thinking of trading up to some Adam A7s.
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