Anyone Else Find Dyna-Cabs Overly Bright?

Does anyone else find that dyna-cabs seem overly bright compared to legacy cabs?
I believe Cliff said he used a Neve preamp to capture the Dyna Cabs, and an API to capture the legacy cabs. I think that is the difference I am hearing. I like the clean sound of a Neve pre amp, but something about the legacy API captures sound warmer and fuller to me. The Dyna cabs sound thinner to me, and maybe a little brighter. I have been unable to dial in sounds with Dyna cabs that have the same punch and fullness that I prefer. I've dialed in some pretty good Dyna cab sounds using two mics, but for the moment I'm mostly using my favorite legacy and third party IRs.

I may buy some of the new Dyna Cab packs and use Cab Lab to mix some IRs to see what I can come up with.
I just move the mic(s) till they sound good. The Legacy cabs may have had mic placements further out/darker placements than you expected.
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