Anyone else feel... disconnected from their unit?


Hey guys!

First off let me say how happy I am that I bought the AxeFX II, it's the best recording tool ever made, and for most of us the best live tool ever.

Here's the thing... I feel disconnected from the unit. I have all these goals and hopes and dreams for my AxeFX setup, but sometimes I just feel like no one knows how to help me get there or there isn't enough documentation on things. I've experimented a lot and I've got some amazing tones out of it that please me to no end, but then there's the other side of things...

... I can't figure out how to program my Behringer FCB1010 for scenes or tap tempo (I made a thread in the proper forum), Axe-Edit confuses the hell out of me (I can make patches, update firmware and export presets, but I'm lost when trying to organize my presets/tone matches, don't even know where to start with making/loading/saving user IR's, every time there's a firmware update any patch with a TMA block from previous firmware just sounds awful (not just different, AWFUL)...

With winter break coming up I will definitely be spending a lot of time with the unit, I'm also recording an EP over the break so I'll be next to the unit anyways, but anyone have any guidance on any of these subjects?
... Axe-Edit confuses the hell out of me (I can make patches, update firmware and export presets, but I'm lost when trying to organize my presets/tone matches, don't even know where to start with making/loading/saving user IR's, every time there's a firmware update any patch with a TMA block from previous firmware just sounds awful (not just different, AWFUL)...

AXE-Edit does have some utility with FW V9. Refer to Sticky Post #4 for the official word on using it though. ;)
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You may also try updating your profile to include your location. Maybe reach out to folks who are in your local area that have an AxeII and are on the forums......believe me there will probably be many.
Then you can message those folks offline and maybe compare notes and tips/tricks. I have been helped by several folks along the way. Just a thought.
This thread wasn't quite what I expected when reading the title... in fact, I'd rather comment that the Ultra (and a new guitar or two ;)) helped me re-find things after a becoming very aware that I felt very disconnected after using POD XT & Variax stuff for a few years

That's not to knock those products (which are great at their price points), but more a positive reflection on the Fractal stuff
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