Anyone catching the Swift game today?

What? What makes you think I have a problem, Tony? View attachment 134860

I'm not sure, I thought i was getting a vibe of animosity somehow but i think a lot of this thread content has gone over my head to be honest.

Only one game a year worth watching!

I tried/was strong-armed in to watching a CFL game in 2012 when i first got to Canada but couldn't get past 15/20 minutes. Coming from UK Rugby it was too much stop/start for me :) Currently watching a barn abandoned 1995 Toyota NSX restoration vid.
Well I'm not American firstly, do not follow sports in any way and my point of post was referencing pathetic obsession with celebrity and who is shacking up with who. That's what my reference to how younger people thought Kanye West gave Paul McCartney a big break featuring him on a song and that people thought the same thing here.

After seeing other posts i just googled and to be honest I'm still not really sure of anything more other than you guys have some really fucking idiotic, fantasy struck people down there.
OK....I just love football and for the SB to be about a guy and his girlfriend to me is childish or, like I said, check the conspiracy theories.
I cannot post any HERE because then the childish thread would get closed. I also agree with everything you said in THIS post!
I tried/was strong-armed in to watching a CFL game in 2012 when i first got to Canada but couldn't get past 15/20 minutes. Coming from UK Rugby it was too much stop/start for me :)
Yea, CFL doesn’t quite have the rampant american consumerism thing that the NFL has going for it. The Super Bowl perfects that. Come for a hopefully interesting sportsball game, but stay for the commercials and the half time show.
OK....I just love football and for the SB to be about a guy and his girlfriend to me is childish or, like I said, check the conspiracy therios. I cannot post any because then the childish thread would get closed. I also agree with everything you said in THIS post!
People having fun is childish?
That was some serious footballing. Did you see how serious that last play was? It was very serious.
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