Anybody know what changed over the last few FW updates with the Plexis? They sound incredible!

Release notes are your friend. Since Cygnus X-3 25.00:

Improved cathode follower algorithm improves accuracy near onset of clipping. This results in warmer tones at edge-of-breakup and better cleanup when rolling off the volume knob (for amps that use a cathode follower). Due to the new algorithm the Grid Clipping parameter has been removed.

New power amp algorithm. New algorithm more accurately models bias excursion and duty cycle modulation. The results in more complex tone with better, punchier feel.

Improved Amp block preamp algorithms, especially for amps with multiple gain stages. Tones are “gutsier” and have a more dynamic response with more “pop”. Also improves accuracy when input of Amp block is driven by a Drive pedal (whether real or virtual).

Updated phase inverter parameters for most models based on new analysis tools.

Improved cathode follower algorithm. This results in a more open and dynamic response for models that use a cathode follower.

Updated Plexi 100W and 1959SLP models. A soft reset of the Amp block is required to load the new default values.

Updated phase inverter parameters for many amp models.

I'm a big fan of the 100 watt model too but also really like the 50w, SLP and 1987x. Oh and the 6CA7, JCM800 - my list goes on!
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