Anybody else think this is ridiculously stupid (petition against digital modelling)

What a petty gripe... This is not my type of music by a long shot but the guitars fit in the mix and sound like they should for this flavor of music.
If no one told these people the guitars were recorded digitally, would they still be bitching or grooving to the new album? Sounds like another "cookie-monster" detuned boring modern "whatever-core" band. Its not like their audience is really listening for the subtle nuances of a Strat through a vintage Fender Princeton or something.
If no one told these people the guitars were recorded digitally, would they still be bitching or grooving to the new album? Sounds like another "cookie-monster" detuned boring modern "whatever-core" band. Its not like their audience is really listening for the subtle nuances of a Strat through a vintage Fender Princeton or something.

I agree that its kind of ironic that we are talking about heavy, detuned guitars and people are being cork sniffers about it. Either way, if anything sounds fake to me its the drums. If it is the Kemper, wouldnt they probably being capturing their own gear anyway? Or maybe tone matching their own cabs with the AFX2?
It must be great to have so much time on your hands. F***ing amazing!
What arrogance on multipliable levels, to boot!
Even if they get enough sigs, wtf does this accomplish?

Maybe we really are a nation of idiots now :(
LMAO! Here are a few great reasons for having signed:

Joe Noyalis BEDFORD, NH 1 day ago Liked 0
They are one of my favorite bands, and I would be interested to hear what it sounds like recorded differently. Honestly it sounds fine right now though.

Jacob Borrego LA PORTE, TX 1 day ago Liked 0
I don't even listen to this band. I just like signing my name on stuff.

you're an idiot HERMOSILLO, MEXICO 2 days ago Liked 0
because the petition is stupid
Maybe they'd be able to get the Justice Dept to raid Line6, Roland, et al under some pretense of rare and endangered silicon molecules...
A good song is a good song period. If I'm judging equipment, then either the songs suck, or I'm tone deaf? :mad:
I bet this was posted by someone from an amp company.
I could also even see this as a false flag operation designed to boost interest in digital tech.

Or maybe it's true... maybe they used an inferior digital solution. Who knows.
I can't tell what I'm hearing in their youtube video to be honest.
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Hopefully they saved the dry tracks. Then they can just dial up the next model, reamp and release it. All those people will then say "See! That sounds so much better and more real.It has soul and character and definition and so much more life!"

"Yeah, about that..."
I vote they re-record the entire album in 11/8, interspersed with guitar solos by Chris Poland and piano interludes by Chic Corea.
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