Any Orthopedic Professionals Here? I Have A Serious Problem Needing Advice


Fractal Fanatic
I broke my lower Tib/Fib 15 years ago. It was a compound fracture that required 3 surgeries over a 5 week period, and the surgeon even recommended a 4th, but I had insurance issues, so that didn't happen. I now need to deal with the pain; it's getting serious. Rather than post details of what I've done here, I was wondering if there are any ortho pros here that would be willing to share any info that may help me to navigate this issue better than I may otherwise. If so, I could send a DM with more details. I'm a single guy with some depression issues also, so those 2 aspects of my life kind of conspire together, in that I don't take the best care of myself. But I need some help in making wise choices so I can deal with this problem in the best possible manner.

I'm not really looking for "internet advice" here, but rather wanting to discuss this privately with someone who knows orthopedics, but if anyone has been through something similar, I'm open to advice that I could then ask my doctors about. I'm thinking outside the box here..., maybe there's a particular ortho center I should try to get myself to, an arthritis treatment that is showing promise that I might otherwise not learn of..., idk.

Thank you!
Even though there are knowledgeable people here, including physicians, you should not seek medical advice on an anonymous forum. You should see an orthopaedic surgeon, preferably your treating physician. No responsible medical professional, i.e. and "ortho pro" would risk giving advice in this medium with any depth other than to go see your doctor.

You should also seek professional treatment for your depression. Even your family medicine practitioner can get you started on the right path with referrals to mental health professionals. Just saying it by writing it here is a major first step - you actually recognizing it. Let your first line doc help you out. Mental health is health.

Please take the time to get the right help. You deserve it.
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You gotta start somewhere/anywhere and that should probably be with your doctor. I know it's gotta be daunting but you gotta eat that elephant one bite at a time, as they say.

I deeply sympathize with what you're going through, depressed single guy to another. I'm rooting for you.
Struggled myself with depression issues. Everything else is larger and more daunting. Especially when there is daily pain.

Have to start with your doctor. Referrals to a specialist who have the ability to fix you up.

In my opinion, inactivity only feeds the depression and helplessness. You can do it! A few phone calls will make you feel instantly better.

I'm not a doctor to be clear, but I have had plenty of pain, I have had very good results changing my diet, doing physical therapy exercises and taking natural supplements, in addition I'm seeing a chiropractor regularly as well as weekly acupuncture. Having done steroid injections which only work for a whole while and taking Naproxen which I stopped due to concerns about prolonged use, I been to 4 different orthopedic clinics and all of them like to offer surgery which is not something I'm comfortable with.
I hope you can find your way out of your pain.
Man that is a tough thing to deal with. My thoughts and prayers are coming at ya!

I'm still dealing with 2 broken vertebra and my left thumb being dis-located and fractured twice ...after being rear ended in a wreck almost 2 years ago to the day. Destroyed my rig too.

Edit: it was exactly 2 years ago today.

Hoping you get the pain managed and the depression turned around. It will get better 👍
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