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Any headless guitar player up in here?

I took a steinberger in trade and am surprised by how cool it is...never thought I'd like a headless guitar.
I tried out a Strandberg and found it lifeless and devoid of personality. Wasn’t a fan.
That's how I felt about the Steinberg I tried years ago. They have their fans, but not me.

Doubt it's about headlessness, but it's an odd coincidence.
Yes. I have a history of swinging around and catching the singer with the head of my guitar. Not so bad when it was the shoulder of a 6ft male singer. Less acceptable when it’s the face of a your female vocalist. So I built this. Effectively it’s a Telecaster with different tuners and body shape.

Below is an '89 Steinberger GL2T, originally purchased by a mentor of mine from Dan Martin (who sold EVH his Steinberger). I basically learned to play on this exact guitar, which was sent into my care a few years back. I recognized the feel and sound of it as soon as I took it out of the shipping box. I switched out the original black faceplate to keep it in good condition and used a reproduction top to do a little Bowie/Tin Machine tribute. It's now one of my main guitars I gig with.

Pictured here from a recent show in Moorpark, CA, with a Billy Joel tribute band I work with. Axefx 3 sitting on the floor behind me.

61CCA131-73D4-4B96-B06B-9B4E87B83F81.jpegJust bought a Strandberg Boden Prog NX6 and love it. I need to get better pics. If the Endurneck was the only great thing about the guitar it would be worth every penny. I wish I was able to play this neck profile since the very beginning 42 years ago. The one thing that makes it especially nice for me personally is the fact that I have been suffering from Arthritis in my wrists, hands and thumbs. I easily develop tendonitis and ligament pain. It’s not a cure all, but it has helped.

Oh one more thing, I have 3 Core PRSi and the Strandberg is far from lifeless. It resonates great. I can see it not being everyone’s cup of tea, but there is no denying the amount of thought and engineering involved without losing musicality. I still see why I will play my other guitars (sans the physical issues) because every nice guitar has something unique to offer, but this is my new love. Plus not having a head to worry about banging into something or someone is great and still getting use to it. Dang…forgot the Suhr pups. Really like them.
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