Any 335'ers Up In Here??

Here's a video showcasing the 335 in all genres of music. It annoys me to watch a review of a semihollow or hollow body guitar and the reviewer starts playing blues (I love the blues), jazz, or maybe some classic rock and never explores any other style.

I, like Chris from the video, feel like everything just sounds a little bit sweeter on a semihollow or hollow body guitar.

On my list - can't afford 335 and am a lefty so will have to look at other options for hollowbody at some point.
✅ - Got it! (close as I can afford for now anyway). Lefty✔️, Raunchy HB sound✔️, easier feedbk✔️, loud unplugged✔️, 335 look✔️, descent construction / electrics / pups for my use case✔️, played back and forth for 1hr between this and Gibson costing 4X more - felt/heard differences for sure, but confirmed this in-budget option is enough in the ball park for me✔️.

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