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Another v7 Heavy Idea, Herbie


Power User
Hi guys,

v7 has inspired me to starting writing again, I've not written an original track for many years, it's as easy for me as it was back then but I'm really enjoying coming up with ideas. The following is a clip I made of some parts for a heavy-ish track, they need work and I need to create a few other parts to link it together better but I think the tones are pretty good and it works as a good starting point. No bass guitar yet I'll do that tomorrow if I get chance. Let me know what you think?


Also does anyone know if it's possible to embed a soundcloud clip without having to edit the post after the initial post and then editing the link?


Also does anyone know if it's possible to embed a soundcloud clip without having to edit the post after the initial post and then editing the link?



Click on the "go advanced" button below the posting window and there is a soundcloud button in the toolbar.
Your stuff has a lot "not run of the mill" touches :)
In the future I would be surprised not to be surprised :D
Click on the "go advanced" button below the posting window and there is a soundcloud button in the toolbar.

I get the soundcloud tags and embed it but when I post the SC link gets messed up and I have to go in and edit manually. Thanks anyway :)
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