Another recording of mine :D


Saturate by A Fraction Of Eden on SoundCloud - Create, record and share your sounds for free

Well, where do I start, I was planning to make this "Saturate" longer and with a little distortion parts in it. HOWEVER, due to my ass distortion tone, I was unable to do so. Every time I tried to record a distortion part, the guitars will just ruin every thing T_T
Not to mention, I have yet to learn how to program drums. Guess I better start getting the Metal Foundry drums and get my lazy arse up to learn.

All those things aside. Here is my third recording with the USB plug-in. I am beginning to wonder whether I am recording the tracks wrongly because the tone I am playing now sounds completely different when being recorded into the computer. Is it because I am playing it through the Blackstar tube amp that I got and the amp altered the tone? Or do I have to buy speakers for the Axe Fx II and drop the amp so that I can listen to the "real" tone that the Axe Fx is producing. I don't know. What's your set-up for recording guys? Constructive criticism or tips is highly welcomed and appreciated. :D Cheers.
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