Another Convert


Hi guys, sorry for the long post, but I've been stalking the forum for a while, but I didn't feel qualified to make a 'hello' post until I'd actually ordered a unit, so now I have a lot to say :D I've been playing through an x3 bean into a PowerEngine for a while now, but the urge to get synth capabilities spurred a change to a rack format, and got me looking at x3 Pros. I'd been a bit of a naysayer of the Axe FX for the last six months or so because I kept being underwhelmed by AFX clips that other people seemed to find astounding, and figured the fuss was just hype. Plus, I think I didn't want to like it, if that makes sense.

What opened my eyes was coming here, listening to the official samples, and some of the user clips. Wow. Suddenly it was simple to justify paying more for the AFX than the x3 Pro (easier, in fact, than justifying the expense of changing from the x3 to the x3 Pro merely for the sake of the rack format). Fractal's great prices and the decent exchange rate helped a lot too :D

From there it was just a matter of deciding between a Standard and an Ultra. I think what pushed me over the edge was hearing someone's amazing violin patch on youtube. So, my order is placed, and the waiting process has begun :D Soon my rig will be complete.

So soon it'll be:

2 Parker Fly Deluxes (one with a Roland GK3 internal pickup);
Rocktron Midi Mate;
Axon AX100 mk 2;
Axe FX Ultra;
ESI ESU 1808 (interface/mixer);
Wharfedale EVP-X 12.

On a side note, I found the process of finding quality, budget-friendly poweramps, speakers, midi board, etc, absolutely agonising. Especially being in Australia, where a quality $250USD poweramp might inexplicably be $900AUD ($725USD) :shock:. It's funny now, though, 'cause reading the forums, it seems like I came to the same conclusions as heaps of other people. I wish I'd come here first and saved myself the pain, but it's reassuring to see my choices were good ones :lol:
Cheers Mate!

I am in the same boat in that I just purchased my Axe FX as well and feel OK about posting now ;)

2 Parker Guitars...I need to check those out and see how I enjoy them.
Do you have any music posted?

Thanks man :D Haha, someone else to suffer with me in the wait. I wish I did have music up, but a new PC capable of happily running a sequencer etc has kept getting pushed to the bottom of my priorities list for almost a year, lol. I'm planning to get some done in the near future though. What about you?
Must be something in the air. I ordered an Ultra a couple of days ago and I'm just down the road from you congalocke (in Bellevue). I had a Parker Fly Classic for about 8 years as well. :D
How do you guy's like the Parkers?

As far as music I am Sonar based now and have done almost nothing due to time constraints...I purchased a computer and got Gigastudio to use the Larry Seyers Acoustic Drums. Slogged through a little bit...Giga has gone up and down and my toms are not in stereo for whatever PC glitch reason...Am really interested in Ocean Way Studio drums. Wonder if they would be "easier" and bring me a little more peace of mind...

You can hear some experimenting I did on my VS2480 years ago here: ... dID=307490
Parkers are very playable and ahead of their time design-wise. I had one of the earlier ones where you couldn't easily replace the pickups and the sound just didn't really do it for me so I traded it eventually.

As for recording, I've been on Cubase since 1992. I bought Logic last year but haven't done much with it - I'm too stuck in my ways now. For drums I use Toontrack Superior Drummer 2, which I highly recommend.
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