FM3 Andy Timmons - Here Lies the Heart !

Anand Mahangoe

Power User
Gentz !
This is such a beautiful piece that I had to do a quick recording with my 'own' version of the 'Halo' FX...I am using a Plex Delay as that has been for many years my to go to Delay / Reverb block.....The Plex Delay is what I always use for my leads so I have used that same basic block for this one too.

Amp used is my '68 Plexi clone + Suhr Reactive Load Box + York KW M25 IR ....
Enjoy !

Really nice tone. Always interesting to see people create similar sounding tones without defaulting to the artist's gear.
Oh thanks a lot mate for your kind words ! Yeah, never been a guy who could copy others tone....I just need a good Strat tone and nice FX....this does the job quite nicely ;)
You’ve convinced me on keeping my Plexi clone and Suhr reactive load. I like your playing and tone.
Good to hear man, nothing wrong with a good Plexi....both Tubes as well as the Fractal versions....both great tools and I use them depending on the type of gig. Recordings always Tubes lately since I have purchased the Suhr Reactive Load.

This is my Strat and its plexi Tones paired with the York KW M25 cab :

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