Andy James shreds with Axe FX

So he has the Axe FX into the return of the FX loop of that head (which I can't make out), and into a Mesa 4x12? I've been wanting to go FRFR, but its so freaking expensive compared to me just using the Mesa head and cab I already have. I've plugged my Ultra into the return of my Mesa Rectoverb fitted with 6L6's and it sounds amazing though there is an unmistakable coloration to the tone. Its not a bad thing, but it does influence the signal no doubt.
How long I would have to practice to be able to play as like Andy? At least 200 years! :D
Yes, it's really awesome.
that's awesome!i'm a fan of Andy James. maybe,he'll be getting his AxeFx soon. oh wait,i think he's endorsed w/ Blackstar. can't wait to hear the 2nd album coming out this July!
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