Amp Block GEQ Wish (solved)


Let me start off with saying that I absolutely LOVE the addition of the selectable EQs in the amp block (especially the 5 band Mark). In the future, I think it would be useful to have a "reset" button that automatically moves all the sliders back to zero - in addition to being able to double click each one individually. An on/off (bypass) feature would also be great. I apologize if either of these have been already been suggested, and THANK YOU for all of the great work you guys have been doing! :)
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I realise you're talking about Axe Edit here, but just thought I'd throw a reminder out that If you're working on the front panel, you can hit {WRONG INFO REMOVED] ENTER once to reset the EQ sliders. (I tend to always forget this and only remember after doing it manually.) It'd be great to have this implemented in Axe Edit too.
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I realise you're talking about Axe Edit here, but just thought I'd throw a reminder out that If you're working on the front panel, you can hit the BYPASS button twice to reset the EQ sliders. (I tend to always forget this and only remember after doing it manually.) It'd be great to have this implemented in Axe Edit too.

I believe this applies to other parameters as well......and also including resetting blocks as well.
Let me start off with saying that I absolutely LOVE the addition of the selectable EQs in the amp block (especially the 5 band Mark). In the future, I think it would be useful to have a "reset" button that automatically moves all the sliders back to zero - in addition to being able to double click each one individually. An on/off (bypass) feature would also be great. I apologize if either of these have been already been suggested, and THANK YOU for all of the great work you guys have been doing! :)

Just press Enter.
I believe this applies to other parameters as well......and also including resetting blocks as well.

Ahh crap, what I meant was hit ENTER once, (Yek beat me to the correction) not twice on BYPASS which will obviously reset the whole block.

I did mention that I always forget this, looks like I did again!!!! Hahaha
Aren't we supposed to avoid using the front panel and Axe Edit at the same time? If not, hitting ENTER on the front panel would do exactly what I wanted. It's funny how easy it is to overlook simple features like ENTER on the Axe... I've been an owner since 2008 - its probably time to re-read the manual/wiki! :)

I still think an On/Off/Bypass switch (GEQ in AE) would be cool.

Thanks for your help guys!
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