Am I crazy?

I bought a JBL Eon 610 the same week as the AX8

I just bought a second hand JBL Eon 610, and I'm waiting for it to arrive at the post office. I'm excited to see if it will work out as I hoped. Planning to use it as a guitar monitor when playing with the band, while also going direct into the P.A.
I am kind of in the same boat now,.. I have a nice Quick Rod 1/2 stack that I had custom build along with all of the padded covers,.. it has never seen the light of day and has very few hours on it,.. plus I've got a couple other 1/2 stacks and my 70 Silver Face Super Reverb... Part of me just wants to liquidate everything .... and then BUY MORE STUFF! haha!

I advise against it. A while back I sold everything when I had an axe-fx ultra. I've been back at amps and pedals for 3-4 years now. Now I'm looking at an ax8. This go-round my matchless isn't going anywhere, nor are my pedals. Both have their place and my matchless will still come out for bigger stages but the ax8 will hopefully get me super close to it for smaller gigs.

If you have both and analog and digital rig that are excellent you can grab whichever strikes your fancy that day and know you're going to love what you're using.
I'm a huge Fractal fan, so take this in the spirit in which it's intended. The Mark V will always be the Mark V. It's always going to be a tube amp. The AX8 will always be a modeler, and eventually it will be obsolete and you'll move on to the next modeler. The Mark V won't be obsolete. Keep it. There's an amp that never goes out of style.

You're right...An amp will always be an amp, and if you buy used, it's about impossible to lose money. The Line6 stuff seems to be more obsolete as new products are released. This was my thought about all modeling gear for a long time after I got away from Line6 and went back to using amps. Fractal is much better in this regard. They don't depreciate nearly as much because they have always been good. So when the next model comes out, the previous one doesn't sunddenly sound like garbage compared to the new. That's a Line6 least it was from 2.0 to XT to X3 to HD, and so forth.

I've always had an amp or 2 at home, though. Now that I have a speaker, it changes the game. Previously, I could only play my old X3 Live with headphones at home. I'd fire up my amps when I wanted to make some noise. I'm completely satisfied with the powered speaker at home.

To answer an earlier question about the Splawn vs AX8. I haven't done an actual side-by-side comparison, but the AX8 nails it, imho. The Splawn has the edge in usability on the fly because of the footswitch. I frequently switch between 1st and 2nd gear, OD1/OD2, etc. The AX8 can be set up as an X:G1/OD1, and then Y:G2/OD2 for solos, though. But...the AX8 wins in that you can change all the settings with the AXY vs having to compromise EQ and gain settings on the actual amps. Honestly, if you plan to use the AXY, there are better sounding Plexi or JTM-type amps in the AX8 than Splawn 1st gear for low gain. It can sound good, mind you, but it takes more tweaking than say the Dirty Shirley, Bogner Shiva Clean, or Ecstacy Blue. I do love the Splawn 2nd gear/OD2, though.
I kept my Marshall tube amp as it's a limited edition (truth is I probably won't get what I paid if I tried to sell it though). That said, I never play it anymore, my AFX XL is just right for me. I did play away from my church a couple of times (normally play at church with my AFX using IEMs) and the away venues did not have decent monitors or an IEM option, so I took the Marshall fed it from Output 2 of my AFX which that was awesome cos I had a real amp/speaker next to me (something you miss with IEMs). So I recommend keeping at least one amp for when you play at venues that don't fully cater for monitoring etc.

Or keep them both, so if you ever have a moment where you think your AFX is not cutting it, then you try the tube amp and realise quickly you are better off with the Fractal! :)

I did exactly this ^^^ I was struggling with my tones so I unpacked my Mesa Royal Atlantic and plugged in. It took about 2 minutes to realise that I was never going to get the same tone from my amp as I am getting from the AX8. It was fun to play for a while but for live use (and everything else), I can't go past my AX8. (haven't sold my amps yet but all of my pedals are gone. I'm still working up to it).
Amps... whatever... but keep the h9. You may want the CPU power it will free up as you start creating more intricate presets in the future.
ADDENDUM: I recently set up a patch on the AX8 with an FX loop block taking the JJ-100's preamp, running parallel with an amp block with the BE model (sag set to 0), with the end running back to the JJ's power amp. When I A/B'd the JJ preamp and the BE model, they were amazingly similar. Even with this, I have no desire to return the JJ; it's just differently-voiced enough from the BE model to be unique, and obviously using the JJ's power section & the cab were a big part of the experience. I'm actually stoked to try some of the other Friedmans or Marshal-flavored amps (Splawn, maybe?) through the JJ's power amp. Likewise, I'd like to try to see how close I can get to the JJ (or Metro) running the AX8 through FRFR or my PowerStation.

Do you remember which Friedman BE model you used and it got you that close? Simple BE, BE v1 or BE v2?
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