Aluminum variety pack

Well it appears I was wrong about you, I apologise but I do stand by my statement that these are not innovative in any way. Fender do not have a metal shop capable of producing an aluminium body. They often outsource small runs of things it is simply not economical to manufacture in limited quantities.
Fair enough sure these are not earth shattering but to say there is no innovation when making something out of wood or metal that is traditionally made the other way is pretty much the definition of innovation.
What I’m I selling exactly? I posted a picture of guitars in a guitar forum, how is that spam? Do you even know what innovation even means? There is a tremendous amount of innovation in metal fabrication alone to make these possible not to mention the innovation of luthiers that made them in the first place.
Realise that posting these guitars with no intro as to whether or not you sell aluminium necks, bodies or both leads to the supposition you will be listing your stuff in this or the vendor section.

Im privileged to call a notable aluminium builder a friend. He’s not going to be offended if I say one of the bodies looks like a jazzmaster - it does, and he plays one.

The guitar section is an offshoot of why I use this forum - to learn more and share about the FAS product I own.

Do these guitars sound different through your fractal gear?
Fair enough sure these are not earth shattering but to say there is no innovation when making something out of wood or metal that is traditionally made the other way is pretty much the definition of innovation.
We will have to agree to disagree. I wrongly assumed you were here to sell stuff because of the way I read your first post. Innovation in musical instruments should ( to me anyway) be about the ergonomic and tonal aspects with consistent performance and practicality of the instrument. Not just making it out of something else for the sake of it . These designs don’t even make alterations to take advantage of the different material properties.
Anyway I will shut up now.
Realise that posting these guitars with no intro as to whether or not you sell aluminium necks, bodies or both leads to the supposition you will be listing your stuff in this or the vendor section.

Im privileged to call a notable aluminium builder a friend. He’s not going to be offended if I say one of the bodies looks like a jazzmaster - it does, and he plays one.

The guitar section is an offshoot of why I use this forum - to learn more and share about the FAS product I own.

Do these guitars sound different through your fractal
Fair enough I will be more clear about that in the future. I’m not selling anything and not affiliated with any brand. I do know a few of the builders as well, fun, creative and dare I say innovative people. Yes they sound wonderful through my FM9. I play mostly really clean or out there spacey. The thing the Fractal is the clean tones absolutely brings out the subtle attack and smooth sustain of the aluminum in my ears. I’m a big fan of Quilter amps for their prodigious clean tones. Thought I’ll maybe go 4 cable with the FM9 but why…. other than amp in a room interaction the FM9 sounds incredible, best I’ve heard. I play mostly through studio monitors but also have a Spacestation XL for the spacey stuff. Bit of a Fractal noob wish I had got one sooner it’s the best sounding stuff and it’s not close.
We will have to agree to disagree. I wrongly assumed you were here to sell stuff because of the way I read your first post. Innovation in musical instruments should ( to me anyway) be about the ergonomic and tonal aspects with consistent performance and practicality of the instrument. Not just making it out of something else for the sake of it . These designs don’t even make alterations to take advantage of the different material properties.
Anyway I will shut up now.
It’s a fair point but for example most of these necks and bodies are hollow there are no hollow wood necks… but of course they don’t need to be. One of these has an incredibly thin neck like half inch… can’t do that with wood it would break. I agree no earth shattering innovation but rather a bunch of small ones.
On a serious note.
Those look interesting.... the Italians have a long history of making aluminum necked guitars. One of my favorites is Nude Guitars it's basically a one man shop and his creations are incredible.
Something weird going on with the intonation.
I always wonder why people using different materials don’t make more use of the differences.
Traditional design doesn’t work because traditional minded people won’t buy them anyway. I think it’s better to go all in.
Cool! What is it?

What's with the 3 foot vibrato bar? Besides the alien (to me) ergonomics, it looks like all that leverage could break something pretty easily.
Yes you need to be careful or someone could lose an eye. Its two foot and yes its nuts I have tried different lengths up to 4 feet plus weights on the tip, different bends gets very strange vibrato like effects.
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