Alter Bridge - Mark Tremonti

I am actually working on one right now. Its Do-able, but not exact. Try mixing the recto new with a bit of the euro uber. Tremonti mixes his triple rectifier and uberschall for most of the Alter bridge rhythm stuff and uses a Shiva head for his leads. Lucky for you almost all of these are in the axe fx :D
There are a couple of Tremonti rig videos on youtube. I found I got pretty close using his Recto settings from those which is basically Bass=8, Mids=5, treb=5, pres=to taste but around 0 for me. Master=3, gain=5ish. Combine that with a v30 based cab and you should be able to get quite close. I personally recommend either the Ownhammer or Redwirez v30 cabs.

Hope this helps.

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