
Has anyone compiled an explanation of all the different controls yet? I understand that just tweaking things on your own and using your ear is probably the way to go about figuring this stuff out, but I feel like this is something Fractal should have done a LONG time ago. Some of the controls are so subtle its hard to pinpoint what its doing to the sound and also it would be nice to know what everything does internally to the models. Tweaking would be much less daunting, especially for new user if we knew what everything did.
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Have you tried the manual? It is a little outdated but it is well written and is still accurate for 95% of the controls!
The rest is covered in the firmware update release notes.
Also worth noting is that you can get great tone without touching the advanced parameters!
Once I got to a point understanding how this box makes tones I realized there's nothing Subtle in the amp block really.
Make one increment of change and the tone sounds different usually in a good way. I would say I'm using 85 % of the controls now and will continue to turn knobs
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