AFIII All Fenders through EV-12L dyna-cab


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I like the Electro-Voice 12L speaker: it's rather neutral (lets amps shine through), it sounds great with clean amps, and it packs unparalleled power and punch when pushed.

But it is heavy and requires considerable volume to come alive. Luckily, this is not an issue with captured IRs of this speaker, and we have one as a dyna-cab: the 4x12 Rumble EV12L. (I don't care much for the EV12S.)

As an experiment, I made presets with most of the Fender amp models going through the IR and recorded them using a DI file. Cab settings: consender mic type, position 4, distance 2.50, no low/high cuts, max IR length. Default room reverb from the Reverb block. No compression, no post-EQ, just normalization of the tracks. Telecaster in middle position, which is not ideal for some sounds but I needed to keep the source consistent. Sorry for the cheesy guitar chords.

Audio results below. Don’t expect anything revolutionary. It's rather boring because, overall, clean Fenders sound similar (the "A" tracks), and even more so when sticking to the same cab, even with an EV-12L. Select a track in the playlist to hear the amp model, with tweaked tone controls and gain at 4 different positions (ABCD). As gain increases, the differences between the models become more apparent. Some models stay clean all the way.

I can share the presets, and also the Logic project file with the embedded presets (courtesy of @GlennO's AxeCapture plugin).

Schermafbeelding 2023-07-31 om 15.24.15.png

Schermafbeelding 2023-07-31 om 15.24.30.png
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Fantastic work and what a great reference for listening through all the models. They are all mostly in the same ballpark, aren't they? But it is interesting to hear how they're affected by gain a bit differently. Great work @yek !

Listen through headphones and switch between clips with the same letter (A > A > A > A etc.) to hear nuances. But yes, at low gain settings they are very similar.

The test reaffirmed my preference for the Deluxe Reverb model as the go-to allrounder, great for cleans and great when cranked.
With the Princeton Reverb coming close.

The trademark cranked Fender sound (SRV) sounds best coming from the Super Reverb and Vibroverb models, I think, because they are a little scooped.

The Band-Commander, often praised, is a little bland, doesn't really have its own signature IMHO. Same with the Twin Reverb, never been a favorite of mine.

The 1965 Bassman keeps surprising. Absolutely holds its own.

Blues Junior: nice for higher gain leads, same with the Champ. But you don't hear that in the audio clips.

Super and Concert: full-bodied cleans, nice woody overdrive with Drive at 10.

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