All companies use a formula that basically says the sell price is X times the cost to

Fractal Audio's products are a nitch really in the big scheme of things. Most companies like Line 6 are barely a step above Behringer they are about producing stuff as cheap using as cheap as components they can get away with and only advance their products just enough to sell it. With Fractal you have the extreme in quality in parts and passion. No company with a team of engineers paid to design can engineeer something that is superior than one person that puts his heart in soul in the product.
I can think of many. All depends who the parent is and if there is mutual benefit. What I think a lot of people here don't see is the other side of the equation.
A small company with a good idea (but very vulnerable to larger competitors and market forces) gets bought and is protected to grow in a safer situation than on its own.
They live and make money, and the parent profits too.

There is no always good or bad in these things. Its like any relationship e.g. These days a lot of marriages fail. Does that mean marriage is a bad idea? I'd say no. Its still a good idea, its just not for everyone.
Best story ever!!! I wish i had one that good. Sadly I do not.

It is a true story from one of many real and crazy experiences. And I didn't get that experience obsessing over some little boutique company on the internet. Just trying to lighten the mood and re focus people to what all this is really about; making music, friends, and having a really great time. I can't think of anything more tedious than to try and second guess what fractal is doing or going to do. Take what you have/get what you can and make music with it. There will always be the next great thing that exists just out of your reach. If you wait till you can reach it you will always be waiting ....and that will be your story.

PS. meant generally and not to any specific post or person
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