Legacy All Axe-FX II, New Demo track!

Great job , wonderful;)

Really nice job. What presets (or amps/cabs, at least) are you using? Great tones in there.

Thanks guys! :)

mbrown3, unfortunately I forgot to save the pre-sets, but I know that they were all very basic.
I used the Recto modern patch with minimal tweaking for the rhythms and then a USA lead for the lead parts.
The clean chorus bit was a tweak on Plini's Ko Ki clean patch, and that's pretty much it! I use a blend of ultra res cabs with one set to 0.060 delay for a bit of a bigger sound, usually no mics.
After that, just some post-processing in Reaper. All done on my Suhr :D
EDIT: Not sure how to embed the soundcloud bar..

Sounds great mate! For adding a soundcloud clip just use the tags [ SOUNDCLOUD ] link [ / SOUNDCLOUD ] without the spaces and pasting the link in between the tags.

Hope that helps, thanks!
Sounds great mate! For adding a soundcloud clip just use the tags [ SOUNDCLOUD ] link [ / SOUNDCLOUD ] without the spaces and pasting the link in between the tags.

Hope that helps, thanks!

Ahh thank you kind sir :)
Updated the OP for your convenience!
Wow this is phenomenal! Sfogli's stylings with Satch's songwriting/creativity. I would say leave as is without vocals... Fantastic track, will have to look for this album.
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