Alex Lifeson - 2012 Rig video


Power User
I saw this posted by RJM Music and thought I would share here (didnt see it; apologies if it was already thrown out there) since it includes the Axe II placement and discussion in the rig as well. A lot of stuff happening in his rig - fun!!
I assume some of the FAS guys may have seen this first hand?


This really points to some things that often get overlooked in the Axe Fx. We users are always asking for new amps or FX. And when considering the purchase of the AFx the price is always at the head of the conversation. But consider...

The Fx are already so good, by comparison to other units, that legendary players like Alex Lifeson and Steve Vai select it over Fx-only units that cost even more, simply because it's superior in sound and capability. These guys simply have no real limit in what they can use, and the Axe Fx is what they choose. In addition to this, almost every player I have read about switching to the Axe Fx has also been able to downsize and/or un-complicate their rig because of what this box can do. Now, factor in that Fx and tone matching are the lesser focused upon aspects of the unit, when compared with the amplifier modeling.

It is the nature of the beast (the beast being us) to want ever more, but this device is undoubtedly the best and most dollar for dollar efficient musical purchase I have ever made. And the value only gets better with each improvement FAS makes. I am completely open to things being added, and will welcome all the new amps and FX or routing options Cliff can send our way. But I often remind myself that I, a normal working guy who is certainly not a world class player, am playing every week through the same gear as guys who are both revered as players and confirmed gear lunatics when it comes to quality of sound.

Very glad to see so many of the players I grew up listening to and being inspired by coming to the Axe Fx. Alex is rock guitar royalty, and a really great addition to the Axe Fx family.
I agree.... I came from the TC Electronic G-system over to the AxeII. Guys like Vai (and many others) were using the G-system back then and now are using the AxeII. I like having all the abilities of the AxeII where I can use it in different rig situations (if desired). The many options is what sold me on the unit....along with the outstanding effects of course. The only thing the Axe didnt have (that I liked about the Gsystem) that the G-system did have (that I used) was the relay switching for amps. But, that wasnt a big deal for me as there are other solutions (and/or amps for that matter) that can accomodate the switching (I use an RJM Rack Gizmo now) portion (if) you even use the Axe with a tube amp.

Sometimes I wonder if guys (with years worth of gear) just wont switch to a simple AxeII and power amp rig because of their many,many toys....haha. But, I have to use them ALL IN MY looks cool!! But, then again....they have trailers and roadies to lug it all for they will never slim down lol ;)
Sometimes I wonder if guys (with years worth of gear) just wont switch to a simple AxeII and power amp rig because of their many,many toys....haha. But, I have to use them ALL IN MY looks cool!! But, then again....they have trailers and roadies to lug it all for they will never slim down lol ;)

Even though I use only the AFX live, I still have my '64 Super and other equipment that I just like... no real reason to keep them, but they have some history (with me, or just in music). But in all honesty, I really can't imagine going back to lugging amps and cabinets, and the monster effect pedal board, and all that cabling to go back to my old ways. I'd almost feel like I was going to buy an 8" floppy disk or something... maybe not that bad, but you get the idea. The Axe Fx II is just "the way" for me!
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I think the pros stick with what they know works and they can depend on. Then slowly sub out pieces of kit in their rigs over time.

I can't ditch my valve amps though. I was just cutting bass tracks this weekend with a vintage Fender Bassman head that I hadn't fired up in forever. Love the smell of old Tolex and tubes getting hot!
'depend on' and also....backup plan lol
Because having all the great gear comes with alot of headaches and problems to. Guitar tech and roadie is a full time gig with all the setting up and moving....but also dont forget the issues and troubleshooting that comes along with all that gear. I mean ....look at all the backup units necessary haha. My backup plan may consist of maybe another head or cab...or combo amp for that matter. entirely duplicated setup from my main setup....although that would be sweet lmao ;)
Thanks for posting this. I saw them for the first time last Wednesday and was blown away. My buddies and I were wondering about his rig. Heard about his tonematched piezo before the gig, so I was waiting for it, and man was it good.
So those wondering about acoustic tone matching have their, sort of.

That Lerxst story is interesting.....he supposedly can afford anything he wants.....but they couldn't find a reasonably priced back-up Silver Jubilee (oh, there's one in the Axe now!)....but he's donating his share of the Lerxst profits to charity.

Vai has to support his Carvin Legacy amps. I think Lifeson doesn't have that commitment, so maybe he'll be moving more toward just an Axe. He seems to really love the Palmer unit, though.
Vai has to support his Carvin Legacy amps...

I saw something that was very interesting, and a compliment to Vai's (and Carvin's) transparency in that endorsement. If you go to Carvin's site and find the video of Vai showing off the new Carvin Legacy V3, you will see a bright green LCD screen in the rack below the Legacy... yep, an Axe FX II is running right below, making a cameo throughout the video. I love the fact that, even though it is clearly an endorsement video for the Legacy (a great amp in its own right, modeled in the AFxII), neither Vai nor Carvin make any attempt to cover that Vai shapes and colors his trademark tones with the Axe Fx II, as well. I think that says a lot for both of them, and makes Vai's endorsement of both units much more genuine to me.
slight digression; did Scott Peterson's session with the Lifeson rig get posted anywhere, or is it still awaiting clearance?
is alex using the tc 1210 for chorus or flanger this time around? Thought he said in the past he liked the wide spread of the chorus and then recently thought he said he was using it now as flanger. anyone know the truth on that?
Thanks for the link...
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