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Advice for EV PXM12-MP monitor?


I'm struggling with getting my EV PXM12-MP monitor sounding good. I dial in a patch that sounds great through output 1 in my studio monitors with a cab block, and also through my power amp and guitar cab through output 3 with no cab block. Then I turn up output 2 which goes to the EV, set to copy output 1, and it just sounds woofy and like it's blanketed.
I'm struggling with getting my EV PXM12-MP monitor sounding good. I dial in a patch that sounds great through output 1 in my studio monitors with a cab block, and also through my power amp and guitar cab through output 3 with no cab block. Then I turn up output 2 which goes to the EV, set to copy output 1, and it just sounds woofy and like it's blanketed.
Try the Monitor 2 setting on the speaker. That's what I use, and I think some other folks here. I think it's the closest to flat.

Also, try to set up so it's pointing directly at you, not at your knees for instance. I have mine on short stands, so they're roughly waist height, aimed at me.
Try the Monitor 2 setting on the speaker. That's what I use, and I think some other folks here. I think it's the closest to flat.

Also, try to set up so it's pointing directly at you, not at your knees for instance. I have mine on short stands, so they're roughly waist height, aimed at me.
Monitor 2 seems like it adds more low end. No?
I'm struggling with getting my EV PXM12-MP monitor sounding good. I dial in a patch that sounds great through output 1 in my studio monitors with a cab block, and also through my power amp and guitar cab through output 3 with no cab block. Then I turn up output 2 which goes to the EV, set to copy output 1, and it just sounds woofy and like it's blanketed.
What are your studio monitors?

How are you positioning the EV?

Is it on the floor?

Is the floor carpeted?

Is it a slab floor or a raised floor?

Is it in a corner?

How loud are the monitors vs the EV?

Are you connecting only 1 XLR to the EV?

How does it sound if you only use 1 monitor?

Lots of questions but they can help isolate the issue(s).

I'd suggest trying to dial in the preset starting on the EV.
What are your studio monitors? Kali LP6

How are you positioning the EV? On the floor

Is it on the floor?

Is the floor carpeted? Yes

Is it a slab floor or a raised floor? Slab

Is it in a corner? No

How loud are the monitors vs the EV? About the same level

Are you connecting only 1 XLR to the EV? Yes

How does it sound if you only use 1 monitor? I only have 1 EV

Lots of questions but they can help isolate the issue(s).

I'd suggest trying to dial in the preset starting on the EV.
Let’s try that differently … are the speakers running at the volume you would have on stage, 90-ish dB?

That makes a big difference.
No, I can't get that loud in my house. But, at the level I'm at, both the Kali studio monitors and the guitar cab sound great.
How does it sound if you only use 1 monitor? I only have 1 EV
This question is about the monitor, not the EV.

Trying to determine if this is a stereo vs mono thing.

What are your studio monitors? Kali LP6

A 12 inch speaker will typically produce bass better than a 6".

Try adjusting the low end - start with Low Cut in the Cab block.
This question is about the monitor, not the EV.

Trying to determine if this is a stereo vs mono thing.

A 12 inch speaker will typically produce bass better than a 6".

Try adjusting the low end - start with Low Cut in the Cab block.
I set up my presets in mono, just to be sure it wasn't a stereo thing.
Just to make sure it isn’t something not easily apparent in the send, does it sound the same if you steal a send from Out 1? If it still sounds woofy, I’d be lead to believe it’s the EQ of the speaker compared to your other monitoring sources.
Just to make sure it isn’t something not easily apparent in the send, does it sound the same if you steal a send from Out 1? If it still sounds woofy, I’d be lead to believe it’s the EQ of the speaker compared to your other monitoring sources.
Not sure what you mean by steal a send from out 1.
Not sure what you mean by steal a send from out 1.
Sorry, not as clear as I thought. Unplug one of the monitors in Output 1 and plug in the EV there. This way you can eliminate any settings that might be altering Output 2.

If Output 1 sounds right through the Kali, but the exact same output sent to the EV sounds bad, you eliminate all settings and narrow it to differences in response between the speakers. If this is so, you’ll need to EQ Output 2 to match what you’re hearing elsewhere.

There are, of course, other ways to address it but this is the simplest to test.
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