active vs passive amps ; Reactor Atomic vs Verve 8/12 ma??



I own an axe fx and am looking for a really good cab that will let all the presets work.

I understand that FRFR amps are the way to go. What are the sonic differences between the active and passive cabs from atomic amps? I see the differences on paper, but wonder how it translates sound-wise...

Also I read that one can use one of these cabs for bass. Could I plug my TC electronics bass head into the cab and expect good results?

Thanks for your helpful feedback

Re: sonic diff. between active & passive Atomic Reactor amps

cheopsnet said:
What are the sonic differences between the active and passive cabs from atomic amps? I see the differences on paper, but wonder how it translates sound-wise...
One thing you should know right off the bat...the amplifier section of the active Atomic cab has been specifically designed to complement the Axe. Whether they have achieved that goal is subject to individual taste. However, with the passive cab, you will be introducing an amplifier that has not been specifically designed to work with the Axe. This is neither a good, nor a bad thing, especially if you are using an amplifier which is designed as FRFR. However, most amplifiers will introduce a sonic signature...some more, some less. Whether you will like what that signature does to your sound is unknown. Be aware, that some do not like the results of FRFR. We do not know exactly what the response signature of the active Atomic amp/cab is...I don't think Tom King has put those specs in the manual. Some have speculated that it is not particularly FRFR. Tom has stated however, that he feels perfectly comfortable using it as a playback system for full range music CDs. So trying to determine what the sonic differences are between the active and passive cab depends to a large degree on which amp and what method you use to power that passive cab. IMHO of course.
Re: active vs passive amps ; Reactor Atomic vs Verve 8/12 m

At this point, I am hesitating between the active reactor from Atomic and the Verve 8 or 12ma...

What is your opinion? Good and bad from what you have tried...

As a reference, I would be using the cab primarily to get the sounds of the axe fx without having the coloration of a regular cab. The icing on the cake would be that the cab I end up picking also work with my bass head, the TC electronic RHS450 (not my main goal though).

Re: active vs passive amps ; Reactor Atomic vs Verve 8/12 m

The Verves are back ordered and if or when they will arrive is unknown, I have my 12ma on order for months and it never arrives (see separate thread on subject).

I was considering the Atomics but am unsure that is the way for me to go.
Re: active vs passive amps ; Reactor Atomic vs Verve 8/12 m

cheopsnet said:
At this point, I am hesitating between the active reactor from Atomic and the Verve 8 or 12ma...

What is your opinion? Good and bad from what you have tried...

As a reference, I would be using the cab primarily to get the sounds of the axe fx without having the coloration of a regular cab. The icing on the cake would be that the cab I end up picking also work with my bass head, the TC electronic RHS450 (not my main goal though).

If you are going to run Bass guitar into any cabinet you choose, my preference would be to go with a 12" speaker. The Verves are pretty clean and flat from what I hear, and also have the advantage of coaxial design (Highs and Lows originating from the same point, versus separated woofer and tweeter). So the 12ma would work. This will also somewhat mimic how you hear sound coming from a traditional guitar cab (usually from a single point also). And I understand the verves can get really loud, especially the 12". I have not been impressed (some others share my opinion) with the level which can be gotten out of the Atomics before they begin to distort. Just my thoughts.
Re: active vs passive amps ; Reactor Atomic vs Verve 8/12 m

I am very satisfied with passive cabinets with the Atomic mono block amp. It gives you flexibility between FRFR speakers and guitar cabs.
Re: active vs passive amps ; Reactor Atomic vs Verve 8/12 m

I love my Verve 12ma.
I also liked the tone of the powered Atomics.
I think they're very comparable solutions.

The reason I chose the Verve was because (IN MY OPINION), the Atomic could not hold up volume wise compared to the Verve. Atomic tweeter would break up at high volumes. It could have been the amp, could have been the tweeter...don't know.

It does seem that the Verve's are hard to get now a days....but if I was going to buy all over again...I would be waiting patiently for a Verve.
Re: active vs passive amps ; Reactor Atomic vs Verve 8/12 m

BBN said:
I love my Verve 12ma.
I also liked the tone of the powered Atomics.
I think they're very comparable solutions.

The reason I chose the Verve was because (IN MY OPINION), the Atomic could not hold up volume wise compared to the Verve. Atomic tweeter would break up at high volumes. It could have been the amp, could have been the tweeter...don't know.

It does seem that the Verve's are hard to get now a days....but if I was going to buy all over again...I would be waiting patiently for a Verve.

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