FM9 Acoustic simulator

For obvious reasons acoustic sims always lack that woody sound of an acoustic, it passable don't get me wrong but when you put it up against the real deal the shortcomings show up. I guess it all depends on how you need it to work for you.
For obvious reasons acoustic sims always lack that woody sound of an acoustic, it passable don't get me wrong but when you put it up against the real deal the shortcomings show up. I guess it all depends on how you need it to work for you.
Oh yes, I completely agree. This was just a fun experiment to see if it could get passable.
the best acoustic sound you can get with piezos (in my opinion and i tried tons of different ways) is to tone match a recording of a real acoustic. there are tons of great demos on youtube, just find one you like where you can replicate the playing style. you can export the tonematch to a user cab slot. if the recording on youtube is stereo, do the left and right sides separately and you'll get a fabulous stereo image. all you need in the preset is a bit of compression a cab block and some reverb.
the best acoustic sound you can get with piezos (in my opinion and i tried tons of different ways) is to tone match a recording of a real acoustic. there are tons of great demos on youtube, just find one you like where you can replicate the playing style. you can export the tonematch to a user cab slot. if the recording on youtube is stereo, do the left and right sides separately and you'll get a fabulous stereo image. all you need in the preset is a bit of compression a cab block and some reverb.
Live this would work fine, if you are recording go use an acoustic. Live you cant always have an acoustic or stand for it, changeover time etc.

I use an ir of an acoustic body, mbc, comp, and eq. It's passable, and that's good enough for rock n roll. Would be nice to just have that Boss simulator in the box, but that's for the wish list.
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