Acoustic IR


Just a quick question. I purchased some IR’s of acoustic guitars to use with my acoustic and maybe with a my electric. I converted them to fractal format but when I use them I cannot get the gain up. I max every gain and add a few blocks to boost the gain but I know it is the Cab block because when I bypass it the gain will blow your head off it’s so load. Any ideas what I am doing wrong? These irs sound great but I don’t think
I can use them
I went for ultra res. I had the same issue with my ax8. I think I will try to convert these again. But I think the FM3 can take waves directly?
IIRC the FM3 does not do ultra res at the moment? Or it takes them but runs them at normal res, something like that.
Ok. I tried to convert the way files using cab lite. No luck. I tried to bring the wav files directly into the Fm3 again no luck. I need to spend some time with the manual
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