Acoustic Guitar Question

I am currently a AXE FX II XL+ user. And I am a huge fan - changed my life playing guitar...

(as a side note, I have had a lot of help from Mark at - He has helped me so much with finding the sounds for someone who just doesn't want to turn every knob and test every possibility...
Thanks MARK!!!!

I currently run the 3 guitars through a common wireless controller with the body pack for each guitar. My acoustic goes through the direct to the board. I was wondering if anyone had created acoustic patches for actual acoustic guitar? If so, I would like to add a 4th body pack and just go wireless.

My acoustic is a custom built guitar from "Moriah Guitars"... Great guitar and sounds awesome - but, would like to take advantage of the effects and eq from the fractal...

The pickup is an LR Baggs and it is the Anthem model...

Any help or suggestions would be awesome...

I have a Martin HD40MK and I did 3 tone matches with an akg414
1-at the neck...12th fret neighborhood
2-at the sound hole about 12-18" away
3-at the bridge

I converted 2 to cabs so I could run all 3 simultaneously and then I mixed until I got the balance I was looking for.
The results were impressive...
Like @200man said, do a tone match. Tone match your miked acoustic (or a recording of an acoustic you like). That way, you can get a more natural sound even when going direct. From there, add whatever FX to your chain.

A while ago I tone matched my thin body classical, but didn't care for it much. Tone matched somebody else's recording, sounded better. I don't remember what FX I used, but it was minimal. I think just the tone match, EQ, reverb, and I think a null filter at the beginning just to boost the signal.
i just use comp, peq and reverb for an acoustic guitar. no need for tonematch if your plugged in guitar already sounds good. remember, the axe processes the full range sound already, we don't need to do tricks as if it was an electric guitar amp.
i just use comp, peq and reverb for an acoustic guitar. no need for tonematch if your plugged in guitar already sounds good. remember, the axe processes the full range sound already, we don't need to do tricks as if it was an electric guitar amp.
Well, to each his own. For me it was critical in that it removed the sound of the piezo transducer and mimicked the natural sound of the guitar.
Well, to each his own. For me it was critical in that it removed the sound of the piezo transducer and mimicked the natural sound of the guitar.
yup. just describing a different way of doing it. many people post things here and people new to the system think it's the only way to do something.
Just ordered the Axe-Fx II XL+ and looking forward to its arrival. I generally play a Gibson Les Paul, as well as a Godin ACS-SA Slim - nylon string electric. I don't see any acoustic amps available on the list for the Axe-Fx. I'm curious to know if that might be something that would be in the works for a possible future update.
Just ordered the Axe-Fx II XL+ and looking forward to its arrival. I generally play a Gibson Les Paul, as well as a Godin ACS-SA Slim - nylon string electric. I don't see any acoustic amps available on the list for the Axe-Fx. I'm curious to know if that might be something that would be in the works for a possible future update.
a real acoustic amp is simply a speaker with eq that makes an acoustic guitar louder.

you don't need an amp sim for that as the Axe is already full-range with many EQ options.
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