AC/DC or Angus Young patch - has anyone got a preset ?


Hi there,

Has anyone done a preset for AC/DC or Angus Young / Malcolm Young sounds ?

I've researched their gear quite a lot but I'm struggling to get close enough to their tone for my liking.

Any help appreciated, please point me in the right direction,

1987x or Plexi Treble will get you there pretty easily, boost on for low output pickups, off for high output. The right guitar also helps a great deal.
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Hmmmm I understand what you are saying,

My Explorer is fitted with Gibson 500T pickups, which clip the I/P very easily, I have to run it at 15% on the input gain else the red lights on every strike. Since I have to do this my input the the amp block is somewhat lower than on a normal amp.

So would the boost do the same job ?
Check out the Malcom patch on the Smilefan preset thread. The overall level of it might be low-ish depending on your other presets but crank up your amp and it is there. His patches are very refined and sound like the record, compressed and clean. So at first they might seem underwhelming. But if you A/B with the record, they are spot on.

The other thing is the Filtertron pickups for the rhythm tone. If you want the exact grind in the rhythm guitar, IMO you gonna' need a Filtertron pickup in the bridge.

Hmmmm I understand what you are saying,

My Explorer is fitted with Gibson 500T pickups, which clip the I/P very easily, I have to run it at 15% on the input gain else the red lights on every strike. Since I have to do this my input the the amp block is somewhat lower than on a normal amp.

So would the boost do the same job ?

That sounds odd, when you say the "red lights", are you talking about the ouptput clipping LED's?
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Hmmmm I understand what you are saying,

My Explorer is fitted with Gibson 500T pickups, which clip the I/P very easily, I have to run it at 15% on the input gain else the red lights on every strike. Since I have to do this my input the the amp block is somewhat lower than on a normal amp.

So would the boost do the same job ?
turn the main amp level down. might bring down the level of the cab a little as well. you should be able to play with your guitar volume all the way up and not clip.
AC/DC tone is something I've never been able to do with a DMA. I believe a big part of it is volume, and the interaction between amp, speaker, and guitar.

The best AC/DC tones - IMO, FTATR, and the more recent records - are really clean...but loud. When I played real amps, I'd use a 100W Marshall plexi reissue on about 4. Deafeningly loud but not terribly dirty; the tone has a lot of sustain not because it's clipping and compressed, but because the sheer volume makes the guitar resonate.

Every DMA I've tried is way too distorted by the time the feel and sustain are right.
Hi guys,

Yes defo the input lights red with the 500T on anything over 15% on the input :)

Will check out the tones when I get home,

Cheers for the input ;-)
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