About the upcomming Splawn model...

What's the best 6L6 glassy Fender clean sound on the Axe II right now? I have Carr Rambler that does it so well, would love that on the Axe.
I vote for all Montgomery Ward and Sears amps, especially the buzzy , tinny, bloated, fuzzy, warm, stuff, this stuff is pure vintage...
I cant wait to play the Splawn model. Im an artist of Splawn and have never been to afford, or pull the trigger, on one of their heads. Ive just had a 4x12 from them, that sounds like a god, for a few years. SWEET
I can't wait to give it a try.....haven't downloaded the v7 yet. I've been a Splawn Quickrod player for a few years now and it's all I use for live tone. Between the HBE and now a Splawn to use on my Axe II ....this is awesome.
I was psyched when I heard we were getting a Splawn Fast Rod model! Having played with it a bit now, I'm wondering which "gear" was modeled?

I was hoping for that early Van Halen, insanely dynamic and sharp "brown" tone that I've heard the Fast Rod absolutely nail in several demo clips. I've used the Brit Brown up until now, and I've toyed with the Friedman to get closer, but I thought Splawn would be the end-all in that quest.

Maybe I'm expecting the wrong thing from this amp model, or maybe I'm just not dialing it in right, but even when I sample through all available cabs, I just can't get close. I up the power amp lo-cut, lower the master to 4 or 5, max the treble, etc., but still not close.

I guess I could ultimately just do a tone match, but could I get closer with simple adjustments? Any one else have success nailing that tone with this model yet?
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