About the upcomming Splawn model...


Cliff, you mentioned previously there was gonna be a Superbrit model in the upcomming firmware. You also mentioned about a Splawn model. Are those both the same or two separate models inclued in 7.0?? Also, while we are impatiently (as usual ) waiting, can you give us a bit more detail about this Splawn model for us, 80's hair metal fans out there? Is it model on the Quickrod or Nitro? Can we expect the 3 gain modes to be model (plexi, 800 and 800 more)? Just listen to this video reviewing the Street rod and those modes...this is the ultimate Hotrod Marshall tone...no question about it!!! The ultimate Lynch/Demartini era tone!!! and I WANT IT!!!!!
Splawn Street Rod Review - YouTube
Yes, let's have ten more hot rodded Marshall clones and ignore the pre-1964 Fender gaps within the options.
I know you've been waiting for that one for quite a while!! But there is more than enough room left in the Axe fx 2 for a thousand more Marshalls and your Super reverb as well!!
Died in the wool old Fender man here, I currently own only two Marshalls, a sweet 2204 from the 80's and a transistor toy "baby" amp.

I do have a small plethora of sweet vintage Fender amps though.

All having been forthwith said, I'm still liking all the Marshall variants so far. Cliff has a good ear for interesting and different circuits. Keep em' coming.

I trust the brigade of Fender models to be on the horizon!

Now relax and rock on gents!

Is there going to be a Silver Jubilee/JCM2555SL? (This is different from the AFD100) :|

I added this in the wish section ages ago with a circuit diagram etc.. There were a fair few people who wanted it but not enough I guess. Either way there are a load of Marshall's in the Axe and I don't really miss the Jub if I'm being honest :)

Yes, let's have ten more hot rodded Marshall clones and ignore the pre-1964 Fender gaps within the options.

Cliff still has to add a Rockstah VH Mod, Bray, and a Cameron Atomica before he adds any Fenders!! lol

Oh yeah I almost forgot..... totally redo the Phase 90 pedal & add an 'Unchained' quick tone button to the Flanger block !!
I added this in the wish section ages ago with a circuit diagram etc.. There were a fair few people who wanted it but not enough I guess. Either way there are a load of Marshall's in the Axe and I don't really miss the Jub if I'm being honest :)

The brit super is based off the jubilee
Actually, my main hotrod Marshall model is the FAS brown!! I tweak the depth parameter to about 4 and I engage the treble boost to about 400. I push the gain to about 1'o clock and use a combination of the H75 and Cali cabs. Put a pinch of large room reverb to about 30% and there you go!!! Perfect 80's shredding tone!!! But I want more!!! Give me some more Cliff!!!! I want to shredd all day long!!!!
And forgot to mention the master volume!!! you must keep it fairly low in order to avoid things to get muddy. I usualy keep it beetween 3.50 and 4.0 depending on the amp I'm using! I'm talking about master volume amps model here. Otherwise, master should be raise all the way up like Plexi models for example. The Friedmans sweetspot seems to be around 3.50 while other higain models master volume sounds better around 4.0.
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