Ableton PUSH put to musical use


Hi guys,

I have recently gotten into Ableton Live 9 as a fairly easy way to record musical ideas, create/loop some music on which I can improvise, etc. . and I have recently heard a lot noise around Ableton PUSH. Have any of you guys had a chance to try/own the device? Does it perform convincingly outside pure electro?

My experience doing some research on Youtube points at 95% of (pretty much) crap with no musical richness, aka people happy to tap onto the pads and make sounds, and about 5% of interesting applications musically speaking. I have not spotted much rock/blues/jazz applications of the unit live. Therefore I am basically curious to know about your applications of this device to your music: practice, jam, recordings, live performance. PUSH certainly looks appealing, as a way to create a musical foundation on which to play the guitar, but I am skeptical about that elaborate of marketing efforts.


About me
My profile is likely similar to many of you: Advanced (non pro) guitar player for the past ~10 years of so, gear/vintage head, into rock/blues/jazz, looking for ways to expand my composition and improvisation skills when in my home studio (Axe FX II, Ableton Live 9, quite a few guitars). Simple enough
The fact that you describe 95% of what you've seen online as crap pretty much indicates to me that it's not for you.
Its mostly used for two things as i've seen and used it:
1) create beats/ sounds/ loops in ableton, as it integrated very well with baked in audio stuff
2) trigger clips and scenes

So it all depends on how you want to use it... The best use i've put it to is triggering midi-based backing tracks to songs through scenes, thus I can have a whole set of songs that I can trigger with the push. So it all depends on what you want to do.
It's quite fun to play as a midi keyboard and the sequencer is pretty great too, that's pretty much what I use mine for. It's integrated really well into Live so changing patches and editing/mixing is a breeze.
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