Legacy A Study in Plexis

Plexi 50W Hi 1 is my go to for humbuckers, although I can make others work as well. That model just seems to have something special to it.. I also like the JTM45 model for cleaner Les Paul tones.. Single coil guitars (strats/teles/Danelectro, etc.) I tend to use one of the 100 W plexis.. little thicker. Usually 4x12 12M IR's..

I never run any of the models with the Input Gain full up to 10 w/ humbuckers.. too much gain for me to get the dynamics I like. I'll set up a preset so I can either turn on the boost in the amp model or use various boost pedals to get more drive. But I'm not doing the EVH Plexi on 10 thing..
I am not listening through quality speakers, but the 6550 sounds best to me. That progression is cool....can I sit in and jam?:)
50W Jump is the one I prefer in the Axe. In just one patch, X/Y the amp and use a couple of different drive pedals plus the volume controls on your guitar and you can play almost anything in that one patch.

In the naïveté of my youth, my very first amp was a battered old 1970 100 watt Plexi and 4x12 cab. I got it home and plugged into it in my bedroom and wondered why it sounded crap! I expected instant Hendrix/Page/Thin Lizzy. I still remember the very first time I took it to practice in a hall large enough to turn up - that was a magical moment that I still remember well.
I never run any of the models with the Input Gain full up to 10 w/ humbuckers.. too much gain for me to get the dynamics I like. I'll set up a preset so I can either turn on the boost in the amp model or use various boost pedals to get more drive. But I'm not doing the EVH Plexi on 10 thing..

Same here. I've never owned a real Plexi but I was shocked at how gained out they are. I typically leave mine at 5-6 which is MORE than enough.
Just saw this and enjoyed reading the whole thread.
Thanks to iaresee for the recordings and for starting this one.

I have been flip flopping between Hi 1 and 6550 for the last few months. Just KILLER
For cover band gigs I sometimes need other flavors as well, yet these amps have tons of tone.
Throw a drive in front and you have even more options. SWEET!!!
Good spot on it not being a 4x12. It was an EV12L IR. I would normally pair a 4x12 with Marshalls too but I really wanted to go outside my habits with this -- I'm pretty pleased with the results..
EV12Ls worked pretty good for Gary Moore ... in a 4x12 cab though. Definitely a 2 man job to lift those up and down in the real world :)
Did you use any post effects? Also how far did you pan the guitars?
No post effects. Everything you hear is Axe-Fx II. There is Ambient Stereo delay on the end of the signal chain, before it hits a reverb block. That's the only stereo in the chain. Everything before the delay block is mono, not panned.
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