A little late to the 11.xx party...


... blown away and grinning ear to ear. Work and life have had the upper hand lately and have kept me from enjoying 11.x (made it to 10.12 when it first came out). For the first time in several years, I took a several weeks off from playing (home and church) and have had to sit on the sidelines. Not fun.

The planets aligned -- my second Atomic CLR Amp arrived this week and I finally got some free time to load 11.03 and play away. I just have to say WOW. The wonders of FW 11.03 have been trumpeted many times, so, sorry to gush about what has already been said, but I can't help but feel a bit guilty for having that much goodness in a 2U box. I keep thinking someone is going to bust down the door and say "hand over those amps". There is no way I should have access to that much tone. It's just not right, is it?

For several hours, I played nothing but the new factory presets (didn't get far in the list). I cannot believe how good those sound. I have a set to play next week and there are so many awesome presets, it's going to be difficult to decide which 3 or 4 to use. I'm going to have to do very little tweaking to get the core tone nailed down. That is cool because then all I need to worry about is dialing in the various scenes.

I can't say enough good things about Cliff/M@/FAS and Atomic. This is the most fun and rewarding time that I have had in nearly 30 years of playing. This definitely takes my playing to a whole new level. Thanks!!!
It's an amazing piece of gear from an amazing group of people. Absolutely the best money I've ever spent on musical equipment.
It's funny to read how "it's going to be difficult to decide which 3-4 to use" :lol. Dude Use as many as you want... that's the beauty and guilty pleasure of the Axe.
Well, a set for us is 5 songs (church service). I will surely play through as many presets as possible. Have really been wanting to try the FAS and OH IRs as well. It's like a gluttony of tonal bliss. Definitely all game changers.
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