Wish A different pedal thought


I was sitting here the other day. I have my AxeFx3 Mk2 Turbo and an FC12. I kind of want a pedal format but wondered why now have say a fx12 pedal. It would work as a pedal for the axe but would have enough processing power and a limited amount of users locations. I can program on my Axe load what I want into the pedal and run. No programming on the pedal just grab and go with what I set up from my main unit. Maybe it isn’t a great idea but in my minds eye having a 12 button to use with my axe and take independently with a select group I set up in the axe would be nice I think.
I get your wish. I want that, too. The issue is that, to get anything like Axe III Mk 2 Turbo processing power, you need a big box full of circuitry. Add 12 footswitches and their associated hardware, an you've got one monster floor pedal. Reducing the number of presets does almost nothing to change the size requirements.
I was hoping it might be possible by eliminating the big display and all the knobs and buttons just some foot pedals. A unit to run and not design on but it may not be enough to satisfy size retirements. One can hope and tech keeps improving it may not be long before it is possible. I’m old enough to remember the first consumer calculator. My dad bought one. 80$ insane money back in the day for an item as big as a iPhone pro max and as thick as three of them and it only did addition subtraction multiplication and division. Now our phones have as much power as early computer system used by nasa to launch and recover rockets! A small room of gear from the past sits nicely on our wrists! Ah I can dream but imagine an AxeFx3Mk2Turbo tue size of your phone!

Anywho the big point being a unit that runs as a pedal board for the Axe yet can function on its own as well for traveling light
Even if it would be bigger than an fc12 I would probably be ok with it. I have had pedal set ups as big as two fc12, not to mention amps cabs etc. I don’t got I do travel a lot and do haul all kinds of gear to play in my hotel rooms or with friends so anything smaller would be very convenient. At just shy of 60 between my gear for fun and work tools and luggage I fill an equinox and still move several hundred or more pounds of gear and tools. So even a big pedal would save me a lot of other stuff to move. I’m probably an odd case though, most people don’t work and traveling areas hauling stuff around like I do. I realize it is far from the norm.
My dream fractal board would be a all in one solution.


Power and size of the fm9 turbo.
Twelve switches
built in Expression pedal (vol/wha)
Built in wireless pack
Bluetooth connectivity with official iPad app.

That really would be my dream rig.
My dream fractal board would be a all in one solution.


Power and size of the fm9 turbo.
Twelve switches
built in Expression pedal (vol/wha)
Built in wireless pack
Bluetooth connectivity with official iPad app.

That really would be my dream rig.
I’m no pro so never had a reason for wireless. My skills lack but I have fun with it. With costs of wireless coming down it has crossed my mind. I do not live in town, the closest three neighbors are between 500-1000 yards away. Next is quarter mile then just farther after that. I assume any interference would be negligible because of the distances but I also have a USGS complex across the street big antenna and state comms. So I have held off trying wireless.
in fact I want a fm13.

I just created an horrible thing but it would look like that. :rolleyes:

The spacing would be enough with the switches, I have an airstep with my fm3 it's 5 footswitches in the spacing of the fm3 and its perfectly fine.

Of course it's never gonna happen but this is really my dream rig.

the ultimate all in one solution.

ps: I forget the BT for bluetooth lol. so I can turn my scores on iPad and automatically select the preset/scenes/effects engaged for the song.
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