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A Cruel Existence (ex black dahlia burger) demo's


New Member
hey guys, john kempainen here. I wanted to put up a jam or 4 to see if you guys give a shit.

recorded completely in my basement on my 002 console.

ULTRA used on both guitars and bass, with absolutely no plugins or eq of any type. that straight out the box shit.

amp models used:

ampeg w/1x15 cab (50+ amp models, and 1 bass amp. <3 cliff) BASS, in your face without a trace.

Fractal modern w/orange4x12/V30's/Royer R121 2inces from cone (thanks to the good folks at red wire impulses)\

let me know what you guys think :)

Cliff, you are the MAN. end of story.

That was interesting... or disgusting. You be the judge.

d00d! You are rockin the Fractal now? That is so awesome. I am a huge fan of your work with BDM. I can't listen while at work, but it is on my to do list when I get home.

You have to share your amp settings!!! Also, what tuning are you using, C standard?

Anyways, welcome aboard!!!
I have been itching to hear what you have been up to musically. bdm will never be as good as it was without you. Good stuff
Your drummer is a killer! TBDM is a band that I've just never gotten around to checking out for some reason, but I like this though... Kinda reminds me of a more aggressive Mors Principium Est. :cool:
Good stuff!
Are the drums and vocals intentionally drowning out the guitars? They sound like they're horribly imbalanced in that mix.

That said, nice work. :)
thank you for your comments!
are the guitars too low? I haven't been recording for that long, but i enjoy it.
i like getting feedback from other listeners, helps me become a better engineer.
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