80s style Rock Instrumental, Strat & Axe Cornford sim

I have real trouble getting my notes to sustain like this, especially with my Strat and Tele. Do you record with a lot of volume?


no, actually I record with headphones only. The sustain thing depends a bit on the seting of the Axe noisegate, but also on the pickups, I guess. (I found my Holy Grail with singlecoils from Andreas Kloppmann, a German pickup builder...) I have equipped my single coil guitars with switcheable dummy coils to have better control on higher gain sounds.

Again, thanks for listening guys!

Paul, in this patch the amp sim is already set to crunch, so when increasing the drive mix you barely notice a volume swell - you just get more compression, hair & dirt, just to make the sound more "fluid" for soloing. I like to experiment with the amount of gain when recording - very dynamic single coil equipped guitars like Strats and Teles just seem to have different sweet spots in different takes. (So after all the drive mix thing is to increase the fun! :mrgreen )

Sweet playing ! especially loved the vibrato work. Do you prefer overwound strat pickups or lower output pickups? Have you
ever tried Dimarzios ?
I don't think that you've ever posted something on here that I didn't just hold my breath listening to.
Guys, thanks for listening and your kind words - they're sure appreciated!

Do you prefer overwound strat pickups or lower output pickups? Have you
ever tried Dimarzios ?

Well, the last time I played DiMarzios was kind of 20 years ago when I had two Ibanez JEMs back then... 8)
I think, especially with single coils, lower output pickups preserve more of the guitar's character (as I said in an earlyer response I found my Grail with Kloppmann pickups!).

Hi Andi,
Is it the Kloppmann Thomas Blug Set as mentioned on the Klopmann Site?

To all who don't Know Thomas Blug: Do a search on the net - he's a great guy playing (mostly) instrumental songs with his 1962 Strat in a vey very tasty way ( for me at least...)
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