Legacy 800 Jose Areondo....and Wicked again!

Hey Javi,

Thanks for posting the preset. Downloaded and installed it...but it sounds completely way off the mark (tone is muffled and totally wrong). Are you using a Redwirz IR cab or something? Just for comparison, the VH Unchained preset sounded perfect...so I'm not sure why the Lynch one sounds so way off.

Hey Javi,

Thanks for posting the preset. Downloaded and installed it...but it sounds completely way off the mark (tone is muffled and totally wrong). Are you using a Redwirz IR cab or something? Just for comparison, the VH Unchained preset sounded perfect...so I'm not sure why the Lynch one sounds so way off.


Hi !

That's strange!

I`ll check the preset when have some time ... are stock cabs....must see.

I`dont know what could have happened.
Hey Javi,

Thanks for posting the preset. Downloaded and installed it...but it sounds completely way off the mark (tone is muffled and totally wrong). Are you using a Redwirz IR cab or something? Just for comparison, the VH Unchained preset sounded perfect...so I'm not sure why the Lynch one sounds so way off.


If you're not using a pedal, you need to change the wah into a shunt !
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