7cm with Simplifier X


Fractal Fanatic
So, I just got the DSM & Humboldt Simplifier X. Just starting to learn it. Nowhere near as easy to just play and smile as the MKII, but that's not really why I got it.
One reason why I wanted to try it, is because I really like the MKII and what it can do, and the nice stereo FX loop.

But hey, 2 channel? Sure, why not?!

Anyway, I want to run 7cm with it. Here is the response I got from the creators: "You must use both FX loops of course and the two extra 1/4 inch outputs. You also have a stereo THRU, you’ll need a Y cable to split it to two mono."

Given the FX8's ins and outs, how would you set it up? And this is just for running in stereo at home. I imagine what they told me is for live. I didn't specify when I asked.

My life will be so much easier when get back to an Axe FX III or FM9!
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