6.0 Mark IV without tone matching


So, I was wanting to do a tonematch for this song but didn't have axe edit yet and it's 1 AM over here so I did a rough take and will tonematch it tomorrow so we can compare.

The drums and bass are the original taken from youtube, the guitar(s) riff is me, totally raw from the axe II without any editing.
Funny anecdote: I tried to time the drums as best as I could to the tempo the song is registered under...lesson: Lars Urlich doesn't keep a steady rythm all song long and goes upbeat XD

SoundClick artist: Vaestmannaeyjar - page with MP3 music downloads
I would post my Unchained patch....
But my Axe Edit keeps crashing on "B" and "C" banks!!!
Cliff, Help Me!!!!
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