5 vs 8 inch studio monitor


I apologize if this has been posted elsewhere. I did a search and did not find the answer directly.

I just received my new XL. I have settled on Yamaha HS studio monitors. My question is what size? 5, 7 or 8? There is only a $200 difference between the 5-8 so price isn't really an issue. I play solely at home.

If it helps, I have an XL and I play through some Presonus Eris E5 monitors and they sound amazing! They get pretty damn loud for being 5" monitors! I tried them beside a few others before buying. However I didn't buy from the store I tried them at. I bought em on ebay new for much cheaper.
The main reason you would want to go to a larger studio monitor is increased low end response. The second reason would be that usually they increase the wattage in a studio monitor that has a larger driver with the entent that your listing from a further distance. If they are going to be sitting only a foot or so away from your ear then a monitor with a 5" driver will do just fine.
The main reason you would want to go to a larger studio monitor is increased low end response. The second reason would be that usually they increase the wattage in a studio monitor that has a larger driver with the entent that your listing from a further distance. If they are going to be sitting only a foot or so away from your ear then a monitor with a 5" driver will do just fine.

Exactly. My 5" monitors pump out more than enough low end for mixing rock/metal music. I couldn't imagine needing more low end unless I was doing some kind of hip hop/techno/rap/dance something or other. But sitting at a desk playing, the 5" will fit the bill perfect.
If you're just playing guitar through them, then 5" is probably fine for a smaller space. If you have the space and may use them for other instruments and purposes, then you may want to go for the 8" or plan to add a sub at some point. I use my HS80's for bass guitar, a variety of synth sounds, and general music listening and really appreciate the extra low end. Having said that, I used 5" monitors for a number of years and was able to get by just fine...they just can't handle much low end.
I couldn't make up my mind either. So I split the difference and got the HS7's. I'm happy with them but when dialing in a preset with them the presets sound different on my live rig which is 2 EV elx 112p's. So I use different presets playing live than in my studio.
Echoing what mitch and sixstring said.

If money or space aren't an issue, get the 8". It isn't a false economy, you do get the benefit from the extra money spent.
I have been trying to make the same decision as OP, trying to decide between the Equator D5 & the Yamaha HS7 or HS8. The room the monitors would be in is only 12wX14L. It is my understanding from what I have read is that in a smaller room the 5" would be less sensitive to being up against a wall or a corner than an 8". If anyone could share their opinions on using these choices with the Axe 2, I would appreciate it.
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