4CM - where to insert pitch block


Simple question, and maybe a dumb one. For 4CM where do you insert the pitch block for virtual capo? I am assuming in the front, before was and drive, and not in effects loop? First in the chain? Any help greatly appreciated. It has taken a bit of time to get the hum and hiss out of my Dual Rectifier, but I placed a gate in the effects loop and used the Input block gate in the preamp section, so I think I have that figured out - no perceivable tone suck and almost there. Now to get the Mesa Midi Matrix to work and I think I have a new tube 4CM rig! I've used Fractal product for many years now, but always direct, so I thought to try to 4CM after all these years....thanks in advance for any feedback, tips, or tricks on 4CM.
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