45 years old...what medical checkups should I do?


Fractal Fanatic
45 years old and I am wondering from doctors on here what tests I should schedule for a screening at this age? I am healthy and have always weight trained since 13 yrs old.
Colonoscopy for sure - and soon. A buddy of mine, an MD age 62, never had one because “his diet was dialed in, no family history and he exercised all his life”. He was the picture of health. Great skier. Light and fast. After a bout of digestive problems he was sent for a scan - they found 95% malignant blockage of his colon. He was operated on the next day. It was three weeks ago when he told me. I haven’t heard from him since and have a feeling he didn’t make it.
Colonoscopy for sure - and soon. A buddy of mine, an MD age 62, never had one because “his diet was dialed in, no family history and he exercised all his life”. He was the picture of health. Great skier. Light and fast. After a bout of digestive problems he was sent for a scan - they found 95% malignant blockage of his colon. He was operated on the next day. It was three weeks ago when he told me. I haven’t heard from him since and have a feeling he didn’t make it.
I turned 45 last week and this is sobering.
Colonoscopy! Crucial. These sorts of cancers are on the rise. Just scheduled my first one (I'm 46) for later this summer.
Consider any of these kind of check ups or procedures, even if it seems like "this isn't for 45 year olds", because it at least establishes a baseline that can be compared to when you are 60.
Colonoscopy. Prostate check. Just regular mid-mileage stuff that you gotta do. Good news is that most checkups will also do a full blood panel, which will help identify other preventative adjustments you might want to consider. Get your exercise and get into a stretching routine! Men are prone to tight hamstrings / calves as we age, and you'll do yourself a good turn by starting that stretching routine now.
Check with your doctor and health insurance what tests or procedures they might recommend...there are numerous pre-screenings (bloodwork, HEP-C, diabetes, colonoscopy, PSA, bone density, depression, etc) that your insurance may cover. There are also vaccines that you might wish to keep up to date (T-DAP, shingles, measles, etc.)
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Regular colonoscopy and prostate exams are an absolute must these days. I’d suggest a dermatologist as well as skin cancers are very common these days.
As well as skin cancers are very common these days.
Yep. 56 yo here.

I had a weird growth on the tip of my nose and thought it was just an embarrassing wart. After a biopsy it was determined to be squamous cell carcinoma (SCC).

The biopsy took the majority of it off leaving a shallow divot but I have MOHS surgery in Aug to make sure they got it all.

They said left unchecked it could spread and be more disfiguring to remove.
Yes get yourself checked out, My brother who just turned 60 last year just went through Prostate cancer surgery, He just had to have another Bone Scan and CT and it seems there is a legion on his pelvis. The Prostate cancer had also metastasized to his lungs, and he had to have Mohs Surgery on his leg for skin cancer. My brother is not the most proactive person regarding his health and he is paying the price for it now.
Regular colonoscopy and prostate exams are an absolute must these days. I’d suggest a dermatologist as well as skin cancers are very common these days.
This is going to sound flippant, but guys who don't wear shirts, hats, or sunscreen outdoors, or hit the tanning booths too often are most at risk. Some prefer a healthy skin tone, but if you sunburn, be sure to pre-screen with your general practitioner first.

When you're walking the dog, mowing the lawn, doing yard work, gardening for more than 10 minutes during full sunlight, just use common sense.

When you were younger, sunlight helped clear up that acne. Now that you're older, your skin needs protection from harmful UVA's and UVB's.

The eyes, as well. Polarized sunglasses can help discourage retinal cancers.
The worst part of the colonoscopy is drinking that fluid to get you all cleaned out.
I drank it with 2 different Gatorade flavors.
I'll never have Gatorade again!!
Bladder cancer is common especially for former smokers. I started seeing blood in my urine. Got checked out and they found a tumor. Pretty much clean now since it was caught early. So anyone reading this, if you ever notice blood in your urine, do not postpone getting checked out. I’m due for a colonoscopy myself, it’s been 10 years.
The worst part of the colonoscopy is drinking that fluid to get you all cleaned out.
I drank it with 2 different Gatorade flavors.
I'll never have Gatorade again!!

One of my coworkers started chugging that crap here at work. Crap being the keyword. I wouldn’t recommend doing that lol.
Our landscaping crews finally trimmed my front and back hedges earlier today. Asked them if they'd like some bottled water. They looked like bedouins with their t-shirts wrapped around their heads with some cord holding the shirts in place. Grungy jeans and dark tans.

There but for the grace of God go I...I didn't ask them if they ever worried about too much sunlight...was just happy the hedges are looking better, and that they check-boxed a to-do job of mine before I needed to take care of it myself!
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