3 Sigma Audio Acoustic IRs


I have a question about importing and using acoustic guitar impulse responses (or this can probably apply to any generic impulse response really) on the FM9 -- specifically from 3 Sigma Audio. First off, these things sound great! I'm just sweating all the details regarding UltraRes IRs on the FM9.

So 3 Sigma Audio gives you a bunch of IR variations when you purchase their stuff — for Fractal, you get 48 kHz WAV impulse responses that are 200ms in length. I know UltraRes IRs are 170ms in length and wondering if there's some conversion that I need to do such as, load the 3SA IR into CabLab and have it convert the 200ms length IR into the UltraRes 170ms length or is it fine to set the IR length of the impulses on FM9-Edit to UltraRes without converting them down? Asking for a friend :)
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Whether you use CabLab or FM9Edit, they're going to get converted the same way with the same resulting file.
I need to try some of the ones I recently purchased from them.

I've been enjoying the McPherson ones from Worship Tutorials though.
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