25k volume pedal as master volume for AxeFx?


New Member
Hi all, first time poster.

I'm putting together a new rig, and I'm wondering if I can use an Ernie Ball VP Jr. (25kΩ, mono) to control the Output 1 level on the Axe-Fx II via the pedal jack? I plan on putting the Axe-Fx in the fx loop of a Mark V head, and I essentially want the VPJr. to function as a "master volume" or pseudo-attenuator for my whole rig. I noticed the manual says the pedal jack requires a TRS cable, but I don't know if the VPJr. works with that kind of connection?

I specifically want to use the VPJr. because of its stability and feel-- I may go through a long practice session where I want to set a specific level and trust the pedal not to fall into toe position and deafen me in the process. Also, it would be nice to have a volume pedal that will control ALL sound including any lingering delays or what-have-you, as opposed to another VPJr. that I will put at the front of my signal path for more usual volume swell effects. There are a number of musical situations where I would find the former useful.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!!
You need to switch the pot for a linear taper instead of the audio taper that currently is in the VPJr. There is a good thread on this site with nice pics and instructions on the exact parts you need.

I agree though, the VP Jr's are near ideal in terms of pedal travel and size for expression purposes. I still use a spring loaded Mission for wah, but find the "Crybaby" style housing otherwise too limited in travel for swells and such, and the Boss FV's are simply huge.

I think the parts will run you about $20 or less to swap the pot
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