2 metal tones recorded direct

hey everyone...long time lurker and only just now feel like i have anything remotely interesting to say...haha

i have had the axe ultra for almost a year now, and my usual setup is...
Avatar 2x12 with v30's wired stereo

i mainly record bands with this setup because it sounds freeking amazing for any tone i need. however, recently i have been wanting to work on some direct tones seeing as i need to do some preproduction at my home where loud noise is a huge issue. i have never been good at the direct thing, infact i have generally sucked at getting tones worth recording even though i have some very high end gear at the studio to run it through (apogee rosetta, la3a, 1176, neve preamps, api preamps, hammer eq, etc). Well anyway, last night i was working on trying to get a decent tone direct just to hear how some parts to a song might sound all amped up and was blown away by how things started to sound...i was excited with where these metal tones were going and thought i'd get some thoughts from the community here...

this clip was recorded in garage band and plugged straight from the axe 1/4" outs into the line in on my macbook pro - probably the crappiest way to ever record but i didn't have all my studio gear and was just messing around. also, the tones were made using some $50 sony in ear headphones...seriously we are talking worst case scenario...haha

amp - das metal
cab - mix of cali and german 4x12
effects - none
mic - none
plugged straight into the line in on my macbook pro into garage band
1 guitar tracked per side

first part of the clip is me on a crappy epiphone guitar tuned to CGCGGC with some extra highs pulled in
second part of the clip is me on a nice PRS with a lot of the highs pulled out and a little beef added
the second part is a little louder...oh well

my playing sucks because i am not really an electric guitarist...let me know thoughts/suggestions on the tone!

Sounds very good to me. I would back off the gain a little bit, though, to clean up the low end.
Cali/German is a good combo, you can balance from dark (German) to bright (Cali) by adjusting the levels of the cabs.
thanks for the replies...i appreciate it!
i agree about the gain issue...i was trying to model the tones off of some recordings i found from a guy named james lugo who recorded samples of a stupid amount of amps haha...

in a couple days i'll post some more clips of different amp tones i was able to make...though i don't know that they truly sound like the real amps
Sounds great. I'm sitting here trying to record direct with my Standard and it sounds horrible. User error I'm sure. What connections are you using? I'm going from the Axe's Output 2 L and R into my M-audio 2496 and then to Sonar 6. What I hear out of the monitors is harsh and just bad.

You seem to have a handle on it for sure.

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